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I think Y/N saw me. Oh well if she comes out here I'll just kidnap here.
You walk closer to the door then open it. You manage to walk a few steps but then you feel something hit your head. It felt like the handle of a knife. You don't pass out instead you turn around to see your attacker. He is wearing a white hoodie and black pants. He puts his hood down,puts his knife away,and hugs you. You are very disturbed by this. You quickly pull yourself out of his strong grip and ask who he is. He chuckles and says"Oh dear Y/N don't you remember your old friend Jeffrey Woods?" You pass out from shock.
You wake up in a room the is very fancy and well lit. You stand up and look around. A demented looking version of Link(BEN Drowned) walks in, turns towards you with a shocked expression, then screams"JEFF,Y/N IS UP!!!!" He walks out only to be replaced by your kidnapper that also claimed to be your old friend Jeff. You finally see his face,you're scared for a second then realize if he wanted to kill you he would've already done so. You sit down and he sits beside you. He hugs you again and you let him this time realizing he could kill you at any moment. After a bit you start to feel like he is your old friend so you hug back(your arms were just straight down before). This only makes him squeeze you tighter. He stops realizing he has squeezed the air out of you. You gasp for breath, you hadn't realized how strong he was. You want to find out if he really is your old friend so you ask him to tell you something only Jeff would know. He says" On the first day of school in the last class you told me and only me that you were writing a creepypasta fanfiction and needed ideas, oh bye the way you should get plenty of ideas here because if you haven't already realized welcome to the creepypasta mansion.
This is a very good story so far I like it it's farther than this but it's taking me forever because when I first wrote this I didn't care about the story sounding nice so I'm making it sound more interesting for example I could just say"A guy in a white hoodie hit a girl with a knife handle!" But that wouldn't be fun to read. That's basically what happened but changing it and making it sound more complicated makes it sound better,right?
Well Bye!

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