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As all come from neighboring lands marks as peace to all. Happiness sprung from young ones to elderly, showing the charisma of  all. Strong feelings felt to those oppressed allowing them to be joyful for time being till.... The Darkness arose from the evil of ones hearts. Darkness can't live without the light and light can't live without the Darkness. Thus continuing a ongoing struggle of peace. Neighboring nations revolt any actions of darkness but fell defeat by the overwhelming power. This sets the nations to send the firstborn boy as a  last effort to detain the Darkness. These are their stories.

   The first among them are Zane who comes from a line of leaders. He is a high level commander and skilled with the blade. Fought among battles against foreign powers, bringing defeat to those who opposed
   Second is Shaun, who is the strongest of them all. A fierce warrior in combat with a humble heart. Groomed to having amazing strength, people take him non threatening due to his shy nature.
   Third is Kelvin, a delinquent with good intentions. He was a orphan adopted to a royal family from a young age. He's know for being very agile, by his adventures with the law. Realize his role in the world, he joined for a fun time.
   Fourth is James the obscure one. He is known for his lonesome nature. Cast into the shadows for his oddness as adolescent. Only wanting to gain friends but lack the skills to cooperate. To counter him being lonelyb learning has become a strong trait gaining knowledge to dark lands, ways, trade, etc.

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