Normal day.

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"Bailey Drew Sok if you do not get up right now I'm going to sit on your face" a familiar voice shouted loudly in my ear, causing me gasp as I flew up from my bed into a sitting position my ears drumming lightly.

"what, why on earth would you shout in my ears like that" I turned around to see Kenneth sitting with a smug smile on his face "you wouldn't wake up so I did what any best friend would do and got you up before we get late for school".

He pushed himself of the side of the bed crawling towards me "now where's my morning hug" .

i could tell he was waiting for me to just ignore the fact that i was still very angry with him and just give into is charm like i usually did, but waking me up in such an annoying manner, i refused to.

"Nope your not getting one" I said throwing my duvet off my bare legs pushing my self away from him. with a satisfied grin form his reaction.

"awwww but why" he said sticking out his bottom lip trying to look sad. thought his eyes were filled with an annoyed glint.

"I need to get ready for school or were going to be late" I said pushing him away as he tried to put his arms around me. i barely missed his legs held out in front of me, but i halted mid crawl to the edge of my bed, sighing as he laughed.

"No bailey hug" he held out his arms for me as if I was he was a baby, i could tell he was getting agitated as seconds passed and i still hadn't moved a muscle to obey his orders.

just to annoy him, i sat back crossing my arms, whilst rolling my eyes and flicking my hair.

"Bailey why do you always have to act so sassy" Ken shouted, having enough of waiting and tackled me with a chuckle.

"Ken!" I squealed, pushing him "you weight so mu.." I was cut of with his jumper muffling my words.

"awww bailey why do you always compliment me"he said sarcastically pushing away from me due to me pinching his arms. "Bailey look my arms are all red now".

"you deserve it you pig" I said pulling away from him and getting of my bed walking towards my bathroom still stretching.

"yep always have been one" he agreed laughing still on my bed.

"at least I got a hug" he said wrapping my duvet around himself and getting his phone out of his pockets."oh crap" he mumbled his eyes widened as he quickly unwrapped himself from the duvet cocoon he was in.

"what" I replied walking towards my closet trying to pick an outfit for the day. my eyes trained on him.

"were going to be late" he jumped of the bed slipping his trainers on. i could tell he wasn't lying form the nervous tone of his voice. "hurry up Bailey I meet you downstairs" he gave me a quick glance, addressing my still bed state before leaving with a wink.

why does this always have to happen to me? I huffed.

checking the time , i noticed i didn't have enough time to shower so as quickly as i could, i picked out an outfit, normally i would've planned what i was going to wear a day before, but i must of fell asleep to tired and stressed from school starting today.

i managed to not look like a complete joke, picking out a plain black tank top paring it with the dark pair of skinny jeans my dad had gifted me, (probably his way of apologizing for leaving for so long for work.)

I must of thrown on the close because i still had a few minutes extra to put on some eyeliner and brush my birds nest hair, i still didn't understand how my short hair could get so messy during sleep.

Falling.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz