First day of school.

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"Tati get of " I laughed pushing her of me, "But Bailey I missed you so much" Tati was pulled off by the one and only Gabe, who stood there laughing, "you two okay" he said looking at me and Ken as we were still lying on the floor, "well you could help us up" Ken said pushing himself up .

"Naa you two looked so comfortable" Gabe smirked grabbing Tati's bag which was on the floor while Tati was still jumping around like a child on Christmas, " omg Bailey you won't believe the week I've had" she rambled.

I smiled at her "um no ones gonna help me up" I said putting my hands underneath my head still lying on the floor closing my eyes smiling, when I felt to pairs of hands pulling me up.

"Thanks" I looked up to see Ken and Gabe holding my arms. giving them a thankful smile.

"Queen Bailey" Tati laughed wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug, i melted in her arms, tati hugs were the best to good for anyone to resist.

holding her with a laugh. I looked up at Gabe and caught him Again, staring at Tati like a lovesick puppy, He quickly looked away with a blush brushing his cheeks. 

Tati removed her arms from me reluctantly when she heard someone calling her name probably one of the teachers to go at talk with them.

I watched as she happily skipped of and turned around "Gabe" I said opening my arms he grinned as he stepped forward and wrapped me up in his huge hugs. Pulling away after a few seconds "sooo" I said looking at Tati, who had come back and was now busy showing ken her grandma who she went to visit during the holidays on her phone.

Gabe looked away blushing, "you still like her don't you, SO have you told her?" I said lowering my voice, I was the only person to know Gabe's secret.

From the day I met Gabe and Tati, which was because they were put in the same group with me and ken  a few years ago, I could instantly see that Gabe had a crush on Tati.

i could remember how he kept trying to ask tati questions that me and ken were already answering for him, but he kept shrugging his small shoulders pretended he didn't understand and made tati explain it to him instead, his  young eyes filled with joy as she laughed seeing his face redden up from being embarrassed when she hugged him. 

He admitted to me a few months after me bugging him, so he finally gave in when he knew I would not give up until he told me the truth, so he did and since that day, I have been pushing him to tell Tati about his feelings maybe because I could see she had mutual feelings towards him.

tati would always joke around with him, trying to keep his attention on her, i could tell the way her eyes twitched from jelousy, when gabe would talk to other girls.

"have you?" I asked,  he looked up with sad eyes, shaking his head (no), "you still haven't told her" I whispered harshly glaring at him, Tati and Ken both looked up from their phones eyebrows raised well it looks like I didn't whisper than.

I looked back at Gabe, as he grabbed my arms pulling me away from the guys, "were coming in a sec" Gabe said loudly Ken looked at me confused, I shrugged in response. nto knowing how to respond.

"okay" then Tati said, he hands seem to lower down,  looking at both of us with confused expression and then back down at her phone turning her back to us.

After Gabe pulled me a few classes away, next to the lockers he turned around facing me,  taking a deep breath rubbing his eye brows.

"Well Gabe the whole summer holidays and you still haven't told her ?" I said tapping my foot against the ground, my arms crossed.

"I know Bailey I'm a chicken but how could I've" he said looking down fumbling with his bag straps.

"how could you not, you even went with her to visit her grandma for a week Gabe"

Falling.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon