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"The World is a fascinating place full of amazing creatures called pokemon. Hello my name is Professor Will-"

CRAAAAAASHHH, BANG! Glass breaking! Muffled shouting!

Professor Winston Alexander Willow stopped typing and started rubbing his temples. Professor Willow's hair had just turned that grey color that made him look distinguished, but his long travels studying Pokemon belayed his age with a healthy glow and toned muscles. He wore modern clothes from the days of his rugged expeditions. Although he had traded his favorite rain jacket for a white professor's lab coat, he couldn't bring himself to change his exercise clothes for a suit and tie. To him pokemon were more than fact sheets and numbers they were like wild children, and you couldn't chase down a messy toddler in a suit and expect it to stay clean.

Crash! Crash!

Speaking of children... Professor Willow didn't think taking a desk job as a professor was going to be this... tiresome. He'd hired three assistants so he could do the whole writing bit, which he hated. He'd much rather be working with pokemon or trainers. But in order to be official and be recognized enough to get trainers he needed a plan, some documentation, and half a dozen forms, all of which he couldn't fill out if he had to keep babysitting.

If he'd only stayed away from Palette town, and Professor Oak. It was Oak that had convinced him to stop traveling and become a professor. He'd showed him around his facility and all his research, the pastures of pokemon and convinced Willow that his revolutionary ideas could change the pokemon world as they had come to know it. Oaks assistants greeted him with a smile and white lab coats, they were mostly young adults about graduate age but all of them knew pokemon as well as they knew how to breathe. The only thing Oak hadn't really told him about was how much paperwork it took to start. He'd gotten the grant for the building and to hire assistants, but in order to succeed he needed pokemon for research, and in order to get pokemon he needed trainers, and in order to get trainers he needed prestige, in order to get prestige he needed to actually submit his "revolutionary" ideas and all that nonsense. This is why he needed to get all his paperwork done.

Willow opened one of the desk's drawers and pulled out an aspirin.

More shouting came from outside his little office door and his head pounded, and he swallowed the modern day medicine.

His window overlooked a field he'd hoped to turn into a pokemon paradise just like the one he'd seen at Oaks place. The only thing out there right now was his old truck and some supplies for a wooden fence.

The shouting and crashing continued.

Professor Willow's head felt like it was trying force his eyes out. He took a deep breath and looked at the cell phone on his desk next to a few pieces of candy of his own recipe. They were key to the founding innovations Oak encouraged, as well as Willows own take on pokemon hunting.


Professor Willow pushed his glasses up on his forehead and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He stood from his desk and opened the door of his office to the common area.

The common area was relatively under developed since he'd just gotten the place, it had a few pieces of furniture that were now dashed around the space haphazardly as if a Pidgeot had used Whirlwind against it, and on top of that they were covered with... was that Applesauce?

On top of one of the taller bookshelves was an Eevee, a small brown fox-like Pokemon with a bushy tail. It looked more like a Jolteon though, its hairs were standing on end and it was growling at two of his assistants.

The first assistant was wearing dark jeans and had a loose black jacket over an orange hoodie. He had light blonde hair matted with... Applesauce. Upon closer inspection, Willow discovered that the lad was completely coated in applesauce and... Pudding. Who let this kid in the kitchen? In one hand he had a jar of applesauce, and in the other he had a spoon full of applesauce that he held out to the Eevee trying to lure it with no success.

Me and My Nerds (PokemonGo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें