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When RapMon walked in,i seriously thought of my wrongs"Why are you wet?" "Nothing.." "Go change..."

Jin POV :

That night HyeKyo told me everything,so i left her to sleep beside me.

The next morning..our face faced each other in our sleep..soon i woke up and RapMon was already looking at me...i went to the toilet to get change as soon as i
knew...she already picked out her clothes.

When she went in the toilet...she changed in the toilet and the type of clothes she wore was the type of girls i liked.

After that...
HyeKyo was already doing her hair.
Her hair was so nicely done.( at the top )(her hair wasnt that colour on the top but it was actually like black and brown colour not totally brown.)

We went for the pizza but..i didn't know why HyeKyo asked for 9 seats..1 extra.

HyeKyo POV :

Cant wait for JoongKi to come.Well to be honest...Me and Jin have more common stuff but...who cares...

Soon,he arrived...I was like so happy to see him...but now is the hard part...Jin or JoongKi...

Well idk

Lets just hope that fate will bring either one of them closer to me...

Sorry for not publishing for awhile...well this chapter is kinda short cause Im kinda busy at the momment and plss read more!!Just wair for the next chapter!It'll be more exciting...Trust me!

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