Chapter 3: Weird

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Me and Sam had to walk Kyle to lunch these happened like I don't know it's like we are the babysitter. After the rough walk ahead we made it to lunch and we was the first one there I lost Kyle in the crowd I was kinda worried but until I realized that I could smell him from a far distance. He was in the hallway and I'm going to be behind the line. Until I saw two guys pulling him to the generaters room. I followed them and they was betting him up I pushed the tall guy and gave the small one a power punch. I grabbed Kyle and we ran to the lunch line and only thing I remember that I was holding he's hands still. I was blushing until I saw those guys again. I was kinda mad because one of them scratched my face. But no worries it healed but it still hurt. One guy saw me and I gave them the finger. Until Kyle put my hand down and pushed me forward. I know I don't eat food but I left my bottle in class and I was kinda hungry. All these people made me desperate of hunger I just wanted to attack a person and just eat but I don't kill it's bad for me I hate killing. But it's my food chain but only survival I have to do is still hospital blood. Yeah it is weird for a vampire like me to do that but it's normal. I got pizza and a apple and Kyle got yogurt and salad he's a vegan. We sat together and he looked at me weird. But only thing I stare at is he's eyes so light brown so cute.

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