Chapter 6 - Help!

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Aiden's body lay seemingly limp on the floor.

No no no... This is not happening.

"AIDEN!" I scream in terror as I run to his side.

His head is oozing blood and his face is cut up and bruised worse than before. By him is a broken glass bottle which clearly was used to create the gash on his head.

I begin to panic and frantically look for a phone to call for help.

Shit mine is at home.

I look around and see a phone peeking out of his front pocket. I grab it and quickly began to dial 911 before I am stopped by his hand grabbing my wrist.

"St..stop you c..can't call anyone.." Aiden stutters clearly barely able to push the words out.

"But need help.." I manage to yell between sobs.

He simply gives me a sad smile before kissing my hand softly. He clearly has no hope of fighting for his life. His eyes begin to close slowly before I shake them back open.

"No you are not going anywhere, I swear Aiden you can't leave!" I screech.

I quickly remember that my mother has a first aid kit at home from the hospital she works at.

"Wait here." I yell as I sprint home.

Well where is he going to go you idiot he can barely move.

I run into my house and begin to think of where the damn kit would be.

The bathroom.

I hustle upstairs quickly and luckily find it in the cupboard.

I begin to run back to his house not even bothering to lock my own.

When I get back, his condition manages to look worse. His eyes meet mine and hold so many emotions which I can't seem to make out.

I sit beside him and attempt to recall all the things my mom taught me about sutures and head injuries. I quickly take out a gauze to try and slow down the blood. I then attempt by best to stitch his cut. He winces at the pain he received from each movement, but he needs this so I continue.

Once I am done I frantically follow the steps my mom had taught me and continue to clean his cuts with rubbing alcohol.

Once he is all cleaned up I let out the sobs I was holding in.

I pulled his head into my lap and sobbed into his chest. His eyes seem so pained and I can't help but cry. I may have hated him for his actions earlier but nothing could feel worse than the grief that overcame me when I saw his limp body.

I begin to stroke his soft hair. I have so many emotions raking through my body; confusion, anger, grief. It takes me a while before I muster the energy to ask him, "Why couldn't I call for help?"

"I..i.. Just know that you can't okay?" Is all he manages to say before his eyes begin to close.

"I'm so tired." he whispers as his head slowly sinks deeper in my lap.

" you have to stay awake!" I screech.

My body falls into a state of panic. I check to see if he is still breathing. When I feel the warm air still exiting his nose I let out a breath I didn't known I held in.

I somehow manage to pull his limp body onto a couch nearby.

I sit there with a boy I can no longer recognize in my arms.

His hair falling everywhere, his once vibrant eyes usually filled with life are now shut, his perfect face is covered with bruises and cuts. In all, one word can describe this version of him...broken.


They say when you come close to losing someone, your body also looses the ability to accept the situation. You begin to deny the fact that they are slipping away from you. You turn to anything that you can do to keep them with you. Some find contentment in anger, some cry, some pray, others simply break.

I break.

My mind doesn't know what to do. I don't know who to call. I don't know what to say.

I hold a life in my arms. A human. Someone who has a life full of memories not yet made, someone with a history of happiness and grief. I am holding an entire set of experiences and lessons in my arms. The life in my arms which seems to slowly be slipping from my grasp.

I finally gather my thoughts and am able to assess to the situation. I remove his head from my lap and set it down on the soft fabric of the couch.

I want to call my mom but I'm sure she would call he police which is exactly what Aiden warned me not to do.

Why though?..

I start to search the house for any other family members. To my dismay it is just us.

As I walk back to the room he is in I am happy to see him shifting back into consciousness.

His eyes widen as they meet mine and he attempts to walk over to me, but fails as he can barely move.

I wipe away my tears and walk back towards the couch as his eyes trail my every move.

I lift his head up and sit under him allowing him to lay in my lap.

His eyes never leave mine.

"Ch..Chloe.." He begins attempting to push out words. I place a finger on his lips and shake my head. There is no need for him to use up energy he already doesn't have.

I sit there with him for what feels like years in a comfortable silence. Tears flow down my face continuously as I am still in a state of shock and confusion.

"Chloe you need to go." Aiden finally breaks the silent moment.

"Wh..why?" I croak surprised at how hoarse my own voice is.

"Look, my dad doesn't like visitors much so I think you should get going."

I scoff.

"That man is not a father after what he did to you." I yell as memories of my own return.

"Chloe you know nothing about my damn life so just get the hell out of my house." He says between gritted teeth as he slowly lifts himself out of my lap.

I stare at him in shock. My shock quickly morphs into anger.

I save his freaking life and he thanks me by giving me the cold shoulder. Great.

I stand up and begin to bolt out the front door.

Before I can leave Aiden grabs my wrist and twirls me into his chest. He then kisses my forehead gently.

"Look, Chloe you can't get involved with me. I can't be the reason you get hurt." He sighs.

"Aiden I'm not a baby, I can choose I want and don't want in my life. I want you in it, you may be a total meanie sometimes but you still manage to make me laugh. Look I get it, you have a past or a story nobody knows. We all do. But you can't let that push you away from everyone." I am shocked at my little speech as I usually would never have the courage to bring up someone's past.

He looks up from his feet and gives me a small smile before kissing my cheek.

I smile back immediately and begin to exit his house.

Before the door closes behind me I whisper quickly.

"Night Aiden."


A/N - poor Aiden:(

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Remember if you guys want me to update fast, votes and comments motivate me(:

Love you all

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