Chapter 8 - Poor Pizza

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When I wake up I immediately sense the absence of an arm once draped around my body.

I peer over to the spot in which Aiden had slept to find it empty.

As I am about to dismiss the fact, I spot a small paper with a note written on it.

Thank you for the night's rest , I don't get many of those.

Your favorite badass,


I smile to myself as I tuck the note away.

The inevitable question of what to think of the scene I had witnessed yesterday returns. Should I check up on him? He probably wants space.

Just as I head down to begin a Teen Wolf binge session, my doorbell rings.

I swear it's like God has planned to keep me away from watching TV in peace.

I swing the door open and see my two best friends who have a mixture of shock and relief on their faces.

Oh and food... lots and lots of food.

"See Lia I told you she isn't dead!" Grace screeches as she pulls me into a deadly tight hug.

"Oh my God your alive!" Lia chirps pulling me into a hug twice as tight.

"I..I can't b..breathe guys." I gasp for air still locked in their arms.

"Sorry, sorry we just were so worried, you always call or text us so we thought something happened." Grace says.

"We brought a bunch of different kinds of chips and snacks oh and a stress ball in case you need to get your anger out. I heard crunchy foods are good for that. Oh and we brought sad movies, ice cream, and lots of cookies and brownies if you're.. you know..sad." Lia explains.

I chuckle at my two dorks of best friends.

"I'm fine I just have been really tired lately aha." I lie.

"But I'm not passing up on free food and movies." I chirp causing them to smile.

A girls night is exactly what I need to ease my nerves.

"I'm going to put a pizza in the oven, I saw frozen ones in the freezer." Grace calls from the kitchen.

After a while of intense fort making and pillow fights we finally are settled down and watching The Notebook.

It is all relaxing until everything goes downhill halfway into the movie.

"GIVE ME THE CHIPS YOU FAT LARD!" I let out a war cry as Grace attempts to take my food.

Nobody touches my food. Nobody.

"NEVERRR!" Grace screeches as she runs away.

Oh heck no. Not with MY chips.

The next thing we know we are running around the living room like maniacs screaming for food.

"GUYS PLEASE JUST WATCH THE MOVIE." Lia cries out while slowly exiting the fort.

Me and Grace are in the middle of stuffing chips and ice cream in each other's faces as we turn to face a mortified Lia.

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