Chapter 4: Captured

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     All eyes were on us. The performance was trying to recapture the audiences' attention, but failed. The Coppers heard the commotion and began running toward the scream of the lady in the buttercup-colored dress. I saw Ben turn and could see the terror in his eyes. He ran. I was too stunned to move. I stood there, unmovable. What happened? The boys near the center of the stage, led by Daniel saw the commotion and didn't do anything but flee. I had to do something.

     I found legs able to move again and I ran. I ran as swiftly as I could, imagining myself like the hare from that old Aesop story Master used to tell us. Unfortunately, like the hare I got overconfident and the next thing I knew, I was trapped. Again, but this time I couldn't find away out. My dress swished back and forth and I couldn't run very far in this dress. I had two Cops coming from each side. The Coppers had me. What was I gonna do? I began screaming for my friends. "Help me!!!!" as loud as I could.  My friends took no notice of me and were gone. I caught sight of the lady we had stolen from looking at me in disdain as the Copper cuffed me in the ear and told me to be quiet and stop fidgeting.

       I yelped in pain. I saw Ben look back with a look of relief and regret at the same time, from the entrance of the Globe Theater. That hurt, Ben had used me as a distraction to steal that silk purse. They had been the only family and friends I knew or ever had. Was I really just a thief like the rest of them, with no future or family? No I was and could be different. All these unknown feelings of being abandoned and fear, overcame me and I fainted. Just before I fainted though, I saw each of the Coppers faces. Their faces were filled with disgust yet I could see a small show of pity for me. That surprised me. Coppers don't care.

   When I awoke, it was cold and dark. I was lying on a hard stone floor. I looked around I seemed to have been carried to the station and put here for examination. I didn't feel anything broken in my fall.

"Who are you boy?" A man asked.

    He startled me, but I recovered and replied with a lie "Mark, sir"

  His careful eye looked me over as if trying to uncover my secrets. He had a long scratch from his forehead to his chin. It made him look menacing.

   "What did you steal? Who were you with?"

    I didn't do anything and I would certainly not rat them out. They may have ran but I didn't want my future for them.

  I replied "Nothing, sir" he grunted, realizing that was my final answer after seeing the stubborn look in my eye.

    He pushed no farther and led me to a narrow cell with almost no light. I looked at the cell and back at the officer. Hoping to plead my case. I looked back at him.

  "But I am just a kid! How could you put me in there? We need to be reasonable, Officer....."

"I am Officer Tom and I cannot help you. You stole, there were eyewitnesses and there will be no escape for you. Do not complain and get used to you new home."

    It was useless, I guess I would be stuck here forever. I walked into the cell and watched this Officer Tom lock me into my prison with a rusty key, that he replaced back onto his belt. He walked over to a chair and sat on it and began writing something. I wish I could write or at least read. Maybe he would teach me if I was to stay here for awhile.

     I turned and paced the small cell looking for something I could use to escape or entertain myself with. The only thing I saw there was a wooden pail for a restroom I assumed and a metal bowl for my meals, whenever they were coming. No bed and no one to talk to. Why was I here? I did not steal anything, Ben did, not me. Why was this so unfair? I kicked the pail in my rage. They did not even give me a chance to speak. So I lay thinking of all my miseries and troubles. I saw a few vermin run up the wall that startled me in to a state of alarm and watchfulness.

       I had to do something, I couldn't just stay here. I got up off the dirt floor. I walked over to the metal plate and sat by the bucket and began hitting it with the plate I held. I tapped out different songs I had been sung, when I was younger and some women took pity on me. I continued tapping even after Officer Tom told me to shut up. I continued on tapping on the bucket. The officer finally completely annoyed with me, left the room. I paused, thinking. What surprised me was that the tapping continued. I looked around who was tapping, it was definitely not me.

     I whispered, "Who's there?" I heard more tapping.

I few minutes of silence and I then heard a deep male voice.

"I am Manny Pacquiao, I was sent by my master to bring you to the theater after we got permission from the authorities of the Orphanage to have you."

Curiously I asked "Who is your master and why does he want me?"

His gaunt face still hidden in the shadows replied "I will tell you if you come to the Globe Theater with me, Lizz."

"How did you know my name?" I said cautiously.

"We have heard much about you from one of the actors at the Theater's ."

As he said this, he stepped into the small beam of light that came from the high window that had metal bars on it. I gasped as I took in his appearence. He was tall and towering over me and had a deep olive skin. He had a thick beard that almost covered his face completely from my stunned gaze.  His eyes were oddly spaced, one to far from the other; yet, they were kind eyes.  He seemed content standing in front of me on the dirt floor as he chuckled at my astonished face. 

    James must have told them about me, but it seemed that he hadn't told them about me being a girl. I could still trust him and hopefully this odd man. I had nothing to lose. My only friends and family had abandoned me when I needed them most. I could stay here and rot like Alex, or I could flee with this man and have a chance at a new life. I thought about this morning, I had wanted to start this day right, I had only cared about pleasing a cruel Master who used us and didn't care about our welfare. I had made a friend and we had made a good team. Now I could forget my past and escape this awful prison for a new life. Okay I was ready with the few things I had on me. I still had James any way. I could work with him at the theater. "Let's go, but how are we going to get out?" I asked. Manny replied with "Just follow my instructions." and continued to watch me.

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