Chapter 5: I'll do it

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  Once again sorry about grammar issues as I am working on editing in my free time. I have decided to make the next chapter and the rest of this book, private. This means that only my followers, people who would truly like to know what happens to Lizz, would be able to see it. As a warning this is a very short chapter unfortunately.

P.S. I have renamed this chapter.


   I listened as he began talking again.

"My master has been keeping a close eye on you as you grow. You are very smart and quick with your hands and master saw that you had not stolen anything and had just been hanging around the wrong crowd." Manny said.

     I processed all that he had told me. He had said that his master was going to try to get a release for me as soon as possible but for now I had to play dumb. This shouldn't be so hard. I had been acting since I was little and I was quite convincing.In an orphanage were food was scarce you had to be able to survive. Acting helped in survival. You get them to pity you and you are safe. I had once gotten a man to give me his cigar butt after I had wanted to bring it back with me as a souvenir for my collection of odds and ends that I kept under my floor board. I had started crying and whimpering and saying that I was visiting and I might never come here again and my dad made cigars.

    Lying was something I learned in my life of thieving. James was good at lying too. Also the boys and I used to play with sticks and have sword fights and jousting tournaments. Whoever won got an extra portion of lunch and whoever lost had to cut Masters toe nails. I smiled, good memories.

"Alright I'll do it." I said.

A challenge had been set before me and I was going to do it. Anything to get out of here, I thought.  Anything.

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