Chapter 27 - Invitations

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Feeling somewhat under the weather, I had already decided that I would spend the day in bed by sunrise. The light was just beginning to poke through the window and Alf began to flinch.

I hadn't forgotten what he had done last night; threatened me to stay away from his father. To be honest I had felt in fear of him when he did, a new emotion towards him. Not really wanting to make conversation, I pretended I was asleep. I kept my eyes closed and tried to breathe normally but he knew.

"Feigning sleep? That's new." he said, sitting up, grinning. "What have I done?"

He doesn't know?! Alf seemed unnecessarily cheery. "I'm tired, and you'll just try and trick me into morning sex." I muttered. He chuckled. "I'm not in the mood, I want to sleep."

"Don't make me out like I take advantage of you!" he giggled. "I am a gentleman who acts on consent."

"Yes, that's true, but as soon as I give you consent, you'll be faster than a rat up a drainpipe." I murmured keeping my eyes closed. Without even looking I could feel my hair scattered everywhere. It must be due to my fitful, restless sleep.

I had slept with my back to him all night. No, I hadn't argued with him, but I felt no need to be intimate with him either. This was his punishment for doing what he did; cold shoulder. My guess is that he sensed my mood so he hadn't tried to cuddle or touch me or anything like that.

I didn't get any hostile vibes from him however, but more hurt and upset behind the chipper mood.

But now, he was done with that now, and to be honest, I was too. I could tell the way he wanted to reconcile as soon as possible. I turned around and opened my eyes to stare at him for a second as he sat up and sighed: "Come here."

"What? Are you going to hit me?"

"I want a cuddle. I am a lady who is cold, tired and need of attention." I said softly. He grinned cheekily at me and did as I asked. Burying my head into his chest, I felt more comfortable. It was still upsetting that he had threatened me though, and it had been at the back of my mind all night. Still, he was the closest person to me, and I had grown used to him, in ways I was dependant.

"You can be very sweet when you want to be." he said quietly.

"I'm always sweet!"

"Mmm...?" he chuckled. I gave him a weak slap in the stomach.

I settled down, a little more serious: "Do you have to work today?"

"Not if you don't want me to." he answered quietly. "I don't mind cancelling anything if you wish me to stay. If you want, I'll stay here with you; I'd prefer it."

"Do you have any contracts planned?"

"Well, no, not contracts, but they want me to interrogate... him." he said. It seems that he didn't even want to say a name for Albert now.

"What? Even after you tried to kill him? How do they think that that is a good idea?" I looked at him for the first time properly since he had threatened me.

"They don't have a choice, I'm the only living person qualified to do it. Also, I don't have a choice. Ser Ezio said that if I comply without causing a scene again, I will be let off for the little mishap altogether. As much as I hate it, it's a fair deal." he breathed in deeply. "I doubt I'll get let off of anything that well ever again. Any other organisation would have shot me."

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