The Flashback

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Authors Note- Um hi..sorry i haven't updated..I think i've broken my netbook so I'm using my dads computer, seeing as he doesn't mind (my mum got pissed at me using her's) Um I'm still in like really bad writers block but i'm going to see what i can do:) ..sorry if it's rubbish- Kerri

Thorn's P.O.V

I woke up in an empty bed, but it wasn't my bed.. As i stood up I remembered everything that happened last night..oh my god. I quickly run to my room, a blanket pulled around me, then change into a clean dress, dark grey with black trim, pulling my black cloak over my shoulders, then walking over to the door and heading downstairs, I enter the kitchen and find no one is around..where is everyone? Wait, Tee was gone yesterday! Maybe if i find Rythian he will be with him? I don't know..

 As i am deep in thought and eating breakfast i hear a shout, it certainly made me jump out of my skin! I stood up and looked around, I'm not sure where it came from, I start looking around in different rooms when i hear lots of computers and machines beeping, maybe Duncan is in there? And if he is..maybe he knows what the noise was! I walk into the room and see Rythian standing completely still with a surprised/omg expression on his face, Duncan is also standing completely still in front of a computer "Um..hello? Is anyone in there?" I joke waving in front of both of their faces, Rythian still doesn't move "Duncan?" I say walking back over to him

"You need to know something" He replies "Follow me" He walks out of the room, and as he asked, I follow him.

"What's happened?" I ask, feeling quite worried

"Well two things, one of them being allot more important than the other..i guess"

"What?" I ask as he goes silent

"You- Your Rythian's sister" All I do is stand there with thoughts such as 'how?' 'how didnt i know?' 'HOW DO YOU KNOW?' and 'oh my god..' spiraling through my head, I eventually settled for

"How didn't I know?..Surely i would remember something like that!"

"My theory is you both had your memories wiped at some stage of your past"

" do you know?"

"I was testing something when, i don't know something happened to the computer and it started going mental, seeing as i had samples of both of your d.n.a's the computer must've picked up the fact you had parts of matching d.n.a in them while it was spazzing...I'm not 100% sure but I think that's what happened" While Duncan is rambling on about everything i couldn't help but have my brain start giving me flashbacks of everything that had happened to me and Rythian while i've known him..and well the fact we kissed..I shudder at this thought and feel myself going dizzy, everything goes black once again

Thorn's Flashback

"But Father! I can't let you do this!" I shout as he searches through many potions in his drawers

"It's the only way i can know you will both be safe from..her" He replies, handing me a glass of memory wiping potion, then giving Rythian a glass too "If she finds either of you and searches through your heads, it could kill all of our kind."

"Ok" Me and Rythian say in unison, one last hug before we both drink the potion and pass out, When i wake up I am not sure where exactly where I am " You need to drink this please" A strange man says to me handing me a glass of clear liquid

"What is it?" I ask, not sure whether or not I should drink it

"That doesn't matter, you can trust me.. I am your father" He says, i look at his kind face and drink the potion "Now no-one will see what you truly are, goodbye Thorn" He says before i feel myself falling to the ground, I feel myself being lifted up and manage to open my eyes a fraction, an arm is wrapped around me and a pale hand with a strange looking ring is holding my legs up, my eyes then close once more, this time they don't open.

The Experiment- Yogscast Duncan/Lalna fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now