Chapter 31

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It all happened so quickly, I'm still not sure if I'm dreaming or not.. Even as Ridgedog flew down beside me, congratulated me on 'winning' the games, all I could think was how much of a monster he was, next thing i knew, all I could see was black.


"Ughhhh" I say, stretching out, looking around to see I was in a hall full of beds, each with a person sleeping in them "What?" I ask myself quietly, standing up and walking to the nearest bed, looking at the sleeping person, Hannah.

Then I remember what happened in the arena, The memories flood back into my head, but one thing sticks out to me, how before my friends killed each other, their eyes would go cloudy..almost as if they were under some kind of controlling spell, just like Rythian showed me.

Then It hits me, everyone was put under a spell before entering the games, reason as to why I killed both Nilesy and Parv, although..I thought I killed Parv out of revenge for him killing Lewis? ARGH too confusing for me, I think to myself before finding all the people who were sleeping had woken up, and were all standing up. I catch a glimpse of fiery red hair in the corner of my eye, turning around I see Zoey near the corner of the strange wooden building, I walk towards her, as soon as she notices me she smiles "Zoeyyy" I squeal, hugging her

"Thornnyyyy" She laughs, after a small conversation Rythian walks over to us, looking very tired

"Hello" He mumbles, his eyes half closing

"Well someones tired" Zoey says, poking his nose

"Hallo" Duncan's voice fills my ears as arms wrap around my waist from behind

"Hallo" I say, copying his tone as I turn around, It's strange to think that not that long ago..I think?.. He had a sword sticking out of his skull.

"What are you thinking?" Duncan asks, breaking me out of my little thought journey

"It doesn't matter" I say smiling "Where even are we anyway? I don't recognize this place?" I ask, looking around at the building

It's the building that Ridgedog leaves us in after the games, It's a bit like a hospital place? No one is 100% sure what it actually is really" He replies, also looking around at the building

"Can we go back to the castle now, or do we have to wait or something?" I ask, feeling rather uncomfortable, not really sure why that is, I just do

"Yeah we can go now..Is there anyone you want to talk to?" He asks, I guess he was referring to Zoey and Rythian

"I guess" I say smiling, before walking over to Rythian and Zoey "Boo" I say, once beside them

"Helloooo" They greet me in unison

"So where are you guys even staying after this?" I ask, seeing as that was mainly on my mind at the moment

"We will find somewhere" Rythian says, smiling slightly

"And we will be sure to tell you where that is of course!" Zoey smiles, her eyes lighting up. After a bit of chitter chatter I realize, I haven't even spoken to Lewis, I know he'll be fine, but a friendship sparked between us in that arena, he almost feels like a best friend I never had, or perhaps lost..

"Lewis!" I say, loudly but not shouting, once I see him

"Thorn!" He says, running up to me

"I'm so glad you are okay..I mean I knew you where but argh you know what I mean" I babble, exchanging a quick hug

"I felt the same, but I know you didn't die or anything because I was spectating you and stuff" He also babbles, Parv walks past, glancing at me, I mouth 'sorry' towards him and he nods, smiling lightly "Hello?" Lewis interrupts my quick conversation with Parv

"Yeah, sorry, no, what?" I say quickly, Lewis chuckles

"I said I have to go now, Simon wants me back at the Jaffa factory" He says smiling

"Okay! Bye then!" I say smiling, before walking back over to Duncan

"Ready?" He asks, taking my hand

"Ready." I reply, before we walk over to the area where you get your belongings back and returning to the castle.

The Experiment- Yogscast Duncan/Lalna fan fictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant