Eevee's evolution revolution~2

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Dan, Phil and PJ found themselves scaling a cliff across a large canyon. "Whatever you do Dan, don't look down." Phil warned.
Dan put his hand on a rock and felt it crumble under his weight, suddenly Dan slipped on the rock he was standing gave way! Dan, his Pokemon and vulpix came tumbling down the cliff. "Dannnnnn!" Phil cried reaching out his hand in despair.
Dan was gone.
"Spearow fly down there and look for Dan." PJ screeched throwing pidgey's pokeball against the cliff. In the instant Phil was weak, Phil was useless. Just then, waiting, waiting for spearow to come flying up holding Dan in his beak.
Spearow came back holding nothing but 3 pokeballs on his wings. Charmander, kakuna and eevee. No vulpix, no Dan.
PJ scaled back against the cliff dragging Phil who had calmed down.

PJ and Phil where sat in their room in the Pokemon center "What do we do with these 3?" Asked PJ breaking the long silence. Phil didn't answer for a while. "You keep them." Phil finally replied avoiding eye contact with PJ. PJ tucked charmander and kakuna into his pocket and held out eevee to Phil."even if you don't want it take it! He's yours." Phil took eevee out of his pokeball, she began to glow.
"What the..." PJ muttered as eevee's brown skin turned purple and grew her eyes changed and a red eye appeared on her head.
"Phil, eevee just evolved into-"
"Espeon! I know!"

PJ: squirtle, rattata, spearow, charmander and kakuna
Phil: Balbasuar (Bob), nidoran, espeon

I know espeon is a gen 2 Pokemon! Guess what, I don't care.

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