Born to be a winner (part 2)

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Phil sent out his porygon. PJ had his arodactyle. The battle started. It was a flurry of flamethrower and thunderbolt, dragon rage being stopped by protect and energy ball being bounced back by fireblast. Eventually though, it was a victory for the both of them as arodactyle took porygon down deep. (Phil's underdog advantage was that he got an attack boost from the special injection the stadium had in the medical bay).
Nidoqueen managed to hold its own against gyrados but fainted after it took a powerful strike to the chest from dragonair. Thanks to nidoqueen though, it was 1 vs 2 espeon vs the strongest of PJ's team, the true power of the 'dragon master'. Psybeam, icebeam, quick attack, hydropump. Everybody looked on in aw as dragonair fell to the ground and espeon was in her dark form. PJ sent out his last Pokemon. Two Pokemon left standing (well three since gengar didn't technically faint).
"Thunder punch dragonite!" PJ requested knowing he had to defeat dark espeon quick.
"Quick attack espeon! Phil commanded knowing that he was risking a lot on a Pokemon that Dan can control much better then him. Their attacks where fast but dragonite got a critical hit that sent the already exhausted espeon flying back to Phil's trainer platform. Espeon looked at Phil in fear, her eyes turning from dark red to green and the darkness that lived inside espeon was beginning to fade. Then she took Phil inside her mind. She showed him the cage, and the two thieves that took her family away. She showed him how the man had cared for her and loved her before he gave her to Phil. She showed how hard she tried to save her master all by herself, to become the strongest of them all until, she was given away. She was now just a normal espeon. Phil looked back up and ended the match.
"You forfeit!" PJ repeated in surprise. Everybody else even the ref was silent.
"You can't!" He wailed,
"If you quit then so do I!"
Phil just nodded and sighed.
"Then who wins?" He asked looking at the ref.
"I'm not sure." The ref finally told them.
"I guess nobody wins." The ref stated holding up the green flag. "Victory goes to the runners up of the competition and the ones who where beaten by PJ and Phil. Catriffic and Tom. So going by record of gym leaders difficulty and Pokemon used besides official battles won by the Pokemon league law the champion is... Tom!" Everyone began to cheer. However since Tom owns around 50 guns the judges have decided to disqualify him for being too dangerous. So victory goes to catriffic. Tom frowned and picked up two sub machine guns. "I guess I should just 'shoot all my problems away'."

One year later

The boys where sat in their clubhouse. They'd been so caught up in their training and destinies that they had forgotten all about home and their family's. All their Pokemon were at the lab, running around and enjoying themselves. They found PJ's rattata, Dan's lapras, Phil's pidgey and all the others. They thought it would all be peaceful until... Prof. Stickz fell through the roof of the clubhouse and began to shout. " the lab has been robbed! All the Pokemon including yours have been taken, even my precious little magikarp have been taken!" The boys stood up in shock. "What should we do?" Phil asked PJ who was now curled up in a ball crying. Dan asked prof. Stickz if he knew where they were taken. He told the boys about how the team of robbers all armed with hitmonlee and hitmonchan took everything, before leaving a map of Jonto with a circle around one of the cities. "Like the Jack, Dean and butterfree trio?" PJ asked with disbelief. "Yes, only stronger!" Prof. Stickz responded. He told the boys how he couldn't even give a starter Pokemon to the kids who wanted and deserved one. Dan stud up and told prof. Stickz not to worry as they would get all the Pokemon and the thieves even if it meant going to Jonto (it did). The boys all agreed that no matter what they would get those Pokemon back!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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