A chilling experience

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All the boys woke up early that morning. Since non of them were competing they thought that they would have a lie in but Phil had a surprise in store for them. "Hell no!" Dan answered shaking his head and took a a box of shreddies from the cupboard "Phil, were you eating my cereal with red last night?"
PJ read the note and stood up on the table. "My grandma lives in Jonto!" Showing a picture of an old lady sat by a meoth. Well it's two to one Dan moaned as a smile came across his face. I guess I'm coming too.

Within an hour the boys had cooked some pasta, readied their Pokemon and packed warm jackets and trousers. PJ ran down to the shop to by better camping gear; heated blankets, an electric stove, a fishing rod.

"PJ! Why the fuck did you buy a fishing rod?", Dan and PJ argued for about half an hour before Phil pointed out that they had spent 90 minutes and hadn't even gotten onto their
Pokemon. Unfortunately for PJ he would have to ride with Dan and Phil because dragonite wouldn't be able to withstand the cold. "The pokedex says left." Phil told Dan who was trying to avoid hitting all the hoothoot that where flying about. PJ was busy trying to smother his sandwich with cheese from the pasta because someone (Phil) forgot to put some on. As night fell the boys landed on the mountains. "It's chilly." PJ moaned as he had to steady himself from falling off the cliff. After PJ heated the pasta, Phil caught fire and rolled around in the snow a bit and Dan pitched a tent they were ready for bed. "Ok, I say that we wake up early and fly up to the peak." Dan switched off the lamp and the three boys curled up in their sleeping bags.
"Dan, I can't sleep." Phil shook Dan and gave him the puppy eyes. "Neither can I." PJ added leaning over Phil. Dan sighed. "It's gonna be a long night."

Morning finally came. It was around six o'clock and the boys were sat in the tent eating their pasta.(well after they bandaged Phil after he caught fire again). The boys rode charazard to the top of the mountain but found an ice cave leading to the core of the mountain. They would've flown through the cave but charazard was too cold and Dan would probably crash him into the wall. "It's freezing!" Dan complained as he brushed up against Phil. "That's because the core of the mountain is inherited by powerful Pokemon like jynx and snesal. PJ reminded Phil the so called 'leader' of the group. "I know!" Dan reached for a pokeball in his pocket."Lapras is part ice!" So the boys sat on lapis' back and lapras slid down the cave until it reached the core. Then there was one 'cool' trainer waiting for them (sorry not sorry). He was stood with his whole team out.

(Forth wall break time!)

"Why does Red get to be the badass one?" Dan asked me. "Because non of you three are badass." I responded like a badass.
"Again, how come you described yourself as badass, your not even in the story." Dan answered back like a child.
"You know, maybe I should write that you all die on the mountain but it's ok because our new hero psychic_Espeon saves the Jonto and Kanto regions!" I exclaim like a badass. "Yer, I'd name it the adventures of psychic_Espeon, Amazingphil and punchthepj."
"Wait do you not know my channel?" PJ butted in as me and Dan where talking.
"Excuse me but can we please carry on with the story?" Phil asked.
"Fine." I responded ending the conversation between us.

(Actual story)

"I've worked out we have 30 hours before we get crushed." PJ showed the three others the picture he drew. "And thirty minutes until we catch hyperthermia." Dan added shaking in the snow up to his knees. (Like a complete non badass). The boys needed to come up with a plan so they spent a whole hour thinking about what to do. "How about we try and blast it out of the sky?" Dan pulled his sub machine gun out of his bag and started firing into the sky. Red sighed and kicked Dan in the poke-balls and threw his gun off the mountain (like a badass).
Then, had an idea. "Hey guys I have an idea!" Phil told the others."how about we move the rock with psychic type Pokemon?" Red smirked and whistled his espeon over to him.

Soon the boys lined up their two espeon, alakasam and a ditto/mr.mine. PJ's watch beeped as his watch struck 12. "Ok everybody use psychic!" Dan cried pointing at the rock that had just come into view. Four beams of energy shot out of the mountain. Then suddenly a man who was hiking up the mountain came up behind them. "Ŵhæt årę ŷœū dōïñg?" Asked the man."thê møūñtæįń įß vėrŷ dåńgērœùś mçòmê ñïghtfáłł. Čōmê hœmë ŵįth më æñd ëñjœŷ ßłëêpíñg iñ mŷ bëd."

After the boys had saved the world, shook hands with red and pushed that hiker off a cliff, they flew back to the indigo league and ate pancakes (cooked by Dan and Phil).

Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil and Kickthepj Pokemon Adventures Where stories live. Discover now