Good Morning

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Chapter 1

Lance couldn't sleep, his mind was so awake obsessing over something he just couldn't hear. Thinking everything and nothing at once. He lay there just wanting to give himself a comatose. It actually hurt to think which he knew would sound dense if he told anyone, especially Keith. Keith Keith Kieth. Something felt clean and certain about that word. Keith Keith. He said it out load 

"Kieth." Suddenly a surge of energy and emotion came though him, like the first time he piloted his loin. The feeling of being chosen. The feeling of being apart something bigger. Allura had always said that the bond with loins was the strongest bonds ever. Unable to be replicated in any way, but now Lance feels like this from... well he doesn't know, but his head isn't about to explode and that's all that really matters right now. Footsteps sounded down his hallway, and with all this new energy Lance doubted he could fall asleep again so might as well bust Hunk's morning snack, or help Pidge scan the galaxy for the ship he's looking for. The one with his family on. But instead of Hunk or Pidge, Kieth passed by holding his head like it was about to explode.

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