Snap Out Of It

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Lance needed to snap out of it! I mean sure, he was feeling good but he knew that if they were found like this others might think they were dating. His mind battled: "who cares if they think we're dating", "but the embarrassment","but the happiness","but the...","maybe we should date".
Suddenly all the colour drained from Lance's checks. He didn't like him like THAT! Honestly! But his mind still warred and Cupid was winning.
"Lance... You ok?" Keith asked awkwardly.

Back on earth Keith never gave his time to girls or anyone. He was always alone, just how he like it, but looking at Lance being alone sounds like a chore. You can't blame him for thinking more of himself in this situation. Can you? From this intense loneliness he was feeling he was urged asked

"This might seem like strange request but do you want to sleep in my room?" Shit that sounded sexual!

"Ok... but I get the bed!"

"Wait what. No! Your sleep on the floor"

Lance was already running towards Keith's room, because of his belief: Lance Come Lance Served. Keith started running after him already regretting his decision. Why did he want Lance in his room snoring and stinkin' up the place. Also when he wakes up he'll probably have pen all over his face. So childish!

Once Keith got to his room Lance was already softly snoring. 

"He must of really needed that." He thought tipping him of his bed. Keith lay down and feel asleep after a bit of thinking. His last thought was "Lance isn't to bad." 

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