|1| Problem?

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Lauren's day started like any other. She woke up, did her morning routine, ate breakfast and left for school.

She was currently half way through her Junior Year. Her brother, Chris, was a sophomore, and her sister, Taylor, was in eighth grade. After dropping Taylor off at school her and Chris drove to school in silence.

Chris immediately got out and ran to his best friend, Y/N. They walked into school to meet their other friends and Lauren went to find her best friends, Ally and Normani.

"Good morning, Lauren!" Ally said happily.

"Good morning, guys." Lauren said, addressing both the girls as she sat down in home room.

"So, rumor has it Brad is asking you out today." Normani started, making Lauren roll her eyes.

"He should know I'm gay by now, it's annoying at this point." Lauren was tired of no lip trying to date her. It wasn't going to happen!

"I know, just be prepared, Laur." Normani told her.

"You know he's relentless." Ally added into the conversation.

They continued talking about Lauren's issue with Brad until the bell rang. They all separated for their first class of the day. Lauren's was English and she silently made her way to class. Once inside she noticed the only seat left was beside her brother's best friend. Y/N.

Lauren always had a bad feeling about the girl. It wasn't like she came across as a bad person, she just had a certain feeling that followed her. Oh yeah, and a gang. Which her brother just happened to be in.

Lauren sighed before sitting beside the girl, who was talking to one of her "gang" members, Camila Cabello.

Lauren had never spoken to Y/N, so the whole class went by rather slowly, Lauren trying to focus on the teacher as Y/N and Camila whispered from time to time.

When the bell rang Lauren darted out of class, desperate to get to her next class without having to see Brad.

"Lauren!" She heard called out behind her.

Lauren gritted her teeth before turning around a few feet from her next class.

"Brad." She said with a forced smile.

Brad approached her and ran his fingers through his hair. "So, listen, I was wondering if you'd finally take me up on the offer for a date?" He said with a sweet smile.

"Brad, I'm gay." She dead panned.

Brad just smirked and got closer. "That doesn't matter to me," he grabbed her hand before continuing. "Maybe I could change that."

Lauren tried ripping her hand from his grip but it was strong. "Brad, let me go." She said with a desperate tone.

"Just go on a date with me!" He said rather loudly.

"Problem?" Lauren heard from behind her.

Brad quickly released her hand and Lauren turned to see who it was.

Y/N was standing there with her entire gang behind her. It consisted of Camila Cabello, Dinah Jane Hansen, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Austin Mahone, and her baby brother, Chris.

Love and War ( Lauren/You ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang