|5| Lucia Vives

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"How do you plan on getting her in the car?" Alycia asked as her and Y/N walked through the hallways.

Y/N shrugged. "My charm, a nice invitation, force? We have to get her in the car."

"She'll fight back," Alycia said.

"I'll hold her down," Y/N stated, starting to search for the girl. The bell had just rung, so Y/N assumed she'd be at her locker. Y/N was proven right, but Lucy wasn't the only one there.

"Fuck," Alycia muttered.

Y/N inhaled deeply before speaking. "Pull the car around back, make sure there's no cameras around. We'll be there soon."

Alycia quickly walked away and Y/N put on her signature smile while walking up to the girls.

"Lauren, Vero, how are you?" Y/N questioned as she walked over.

Both girls raised their eyebrows and Lucy looked over her shoulder questioningly.

"Good?" Lauren answered, unsurely.

Y/N nodded. "Glad to hear, girls. Anyway, you guys don't mind if I borrow Lucy, right?"

"Me?" Lucy asked in a surprised tone as she shut her locker and turned around.

"Yep, you," Y/N said.

"Uhm, why?" Vero asked.

Y/N threw her arm around Lucy's shoulders, guiding the girl away as she quickly answered. "Chemistry homework!"

"We don't have chemistry together," Lucy said as the two girls walked towards the gym, where Alycia's car would be. "And why're you taking me back here?"

"I just wanted some alone time," Y/N answered, causing Lucy's eyes to widen.

Lucy knew about Y/N's history and she was beginning to get worried. Once they walked outside and Lucy saw Y/N's car with Alycia sitting in the passenger seat Lucy tensed, and she stopped walking.

"Please don't hurt me!" Lucy begged.

"We won't, just get in the car," Alycia said through the rolled down window.

Lucy opened her mouth wide and Y/N quickly covered her mouth. "Don't scream," the taller girl whispered into Lucy's ear. "You'll only make this harder on everyone. Now get into the car, you'll be fine."

Lucy nodded, and Y/N noticed a tear fall from her eye.

"Please don't cry," Y/N said while pushing Lucy into the backseat. Y/N slid into the back beside the girl, grabbing ahold of her hand in an attempt to comfort her. "I swear we're not going to hurt you, okay?"

"Okay," Lucy replied shakily. "Where are we going?"

"My apartment, we have some things we need to talk about."

Lucy nodded, but said nothing as Alycia drove away.

Once at the apartment Y/N once again grabbed Lucy's hand, making sure the girl didn't attempt to make a run for it. Y/N also noticed Jay's car in the parking lot, causing her to subconsciously hold Lucy's hand tighter. Alycia exited the car and the three of them made their way up the stairs, towards Y/N and Dinah's apartment.

"Whatever you do, do not freak out, alright? Some serious people might be in here, and I'll not let anything happen to you, but you cannot freak out," Y/N said, and Alycia nodded in agreement.

"What's going to happen in there?" Lucy asked.

"You'll find out," Alycia said right before she opened the door, which revealed the rest of the gang sitting in silence, and Y/N's father reclining in a recliner, eating a bag of chips.

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