| 12 | The Feels

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"Wake the fuck up, Y/N!"

That was the first thing Y/N heard as she was shaken awake three days later. She opened her eyes quickly and was met by Dinah looking over at her, an amused look on her face.

"Glad you could finally join us, Y/N," The tired girl heard her teacher say, causing her to cringe. "I was just listing out the partners for our upcoming project."

Y/N looked around the classroom and noticed everyone staring at her, causing her face to heat up. "Who's mine?"

"Well," her teacher began. "It was going to be Dinah, until I remembered you're her best friend, so I think you'll be just fine with Lauren. Now everyone partner up and begin planning."

"How cliche," Y/N heard Dinah mumble, causing her to roll her eyes.

Y/N sighed as she stood up, making her way towards Lauren in their media classroom. When she arrived at Lauren's desk she grabbed the desk closest to it, pulling it to be up against the Cuban's.

"Can I be honest?" Y/N asked Lauren, causing Lauren to nod slightly. "I don't know what the project is..."

Lauren simply rolled her eyes at the girl's confession before explaining what the project is. "We're making a short film about ourselves together."

"Sounds fun," Y/N said while laying her head down on the desk. "You have a camera we can use?"

Lauren shook her head. "It broke."

"We can go buy one after school," Y/N said as she closed her eyes.

"What? Those are expensive, Y/N."

"Shhh, Y/N's sleeping. Meet me at my locker after the last bell," Y/N said before she began to drift off into another somewhat peaceful classroom slumber.

Lauren looked at the other girl for a moment, her eyebrow raised, before shrugging and beginning to draw the girl in her notebook. Just something to kill the time.

"Lauren, are you ready?" Y/N said when she noticed Lauren walking towards her locker.

Lauren's eyes stayed on Y/N's arm around Lucy's shoulder for a moment before looking up at the girl and nodding.

"You coming, babe?" Y/N asked Lucy.

"Nah, I've got a lot of homework to do. You guys have fun." Lucy replied while pulling away from the taller girl.

"I'll call you later?" Y/N asked.

Lucy nodded before leaning forward and connecting their lips while Lauren watched on awkwardly. When the other girl pulled away she replied. "You better." And with that Lucy walked away, leaving Lauren and Y/N alone.

"Shall we?" Y/N asked the pale Cuban.

Lauren smiled gently before nodding. "We shall!"

Y/N led Lauren to her car slowly, enjoying the other girl's company as they walked throughout the school. They never had a chance to really talk, and Y/N was going to take advantage of it as much as possible.

"We're going to Bestbuy, right?" Y/N asked as the two got into her car.

"I guess so, but how're you going to pay for it?" Lauren questioned, since Y/N said she was going to buy one earlier.

Love and War ( Lauren/You ) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant