[ Q u e s t i o n - & - A n s w e r ]

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Questions & Answers

You guys can ask questions in the comments and I will answer them in this chapter.


Question 1: Will there be a sequel?

Answer 1: No, there will not be a sequel. I apologize if you assumed that there would be but there will not be a sequel. Please do not comment asking me to make a sequel because I’m not going to.


Question 2: How do you come up with stories so quickly?

Answer 2: Instead of actually working in class, I think about things that you guys would like to read about and things that I would like to write about. I’m only kidding about the not paying attention in class part, but I do get ideas for stories anywhere and I usually write them down and then look at them a few days later. I decide if I like the idea and if I do, I’ll make a story about it.


Question 3: How do you make covers?

Answer 3: I made the cover to the side by typing in ‘High Quality pictures of Selena Gomez’ and I had to scroll through about 50 Google pages but I recently discovered that the picture used for the cover was actually a part of a photo-shoot that Selena did. So instead of doing what I did, I could’ve typed in ‘Selena Gomez glasses photo-shoot.’ Oh, how I wasted about 5 hours of my life! 


Question 4: What actually inspired you to write the story? 

Answer 4: Well, what I said about the STD thing was true! It inspired me to create Savannah's name (Savannah Taylor) and then Jonah's name with the last name of D (Davis). I just didn't have a plot so I decided that maybe I should just type, see what comes to mine, and go with it. And that's what I did. I wanted a main character that was slightly edgy but can have a heart when she needs to. And I think I did pretty well with that, hopefully...


Question 5: Will you do more chapters in Jonah's Point of View?

Answer 5: No, I will not. I love this story and all but if I'm being honest, writing in Jonah's perspective is hard. I have to make sure everything matches up and I can't talk about something that hasn't happened yet (For example, I can't write about them getting together when I'm writing chapter 3). And that's very hard to do because I already completed the story. It's also tiring because It takes a while to read the chapter I'm re-writing, write it in Jonah's perspective, read it,  edit it, re-read it, and then post it. I love the story, I just think it's over. :)


Question 6: Are you going to keep writing?

Answer 6: In case you guys didn't realize it, I have other stories too! Some are completed, some are on their way there! :D So... y'know, you can always check them out. Currently, I'm writing 'Just My Luck' and 'Despicable Arrogance.' *nudge nudge*


Question 7: What editing software do you use to edit your covers? 

Answer 7: Picmonkey.com! It's completely free of charge and you don't even need to sign up! :D I love it so much! I recommend it. 


I want to thank you guys so much for reading this story. It's been amazing to write and I've enjoyed it so much. I hope you liked the story, too. 

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