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Harry: stassie

Stassie: what

Harry: just checking if your awake

Stassie: it's 3 in the morning I'm asleep

Harry: but you're replying

Stassie: and now I'm not goodbye

Harry: no no please don't leave me :/

Stassie: fine since I'm getting a snack

Harry: yay let's play a game

Stassie: what game kid

Harry: a question game idk

Stassie: it's called 20 questions grandpa

Harry: omg :/ I'm not old

Stassie: you act like a 50 year old dad

Harry: you're 17 - put some respeck on my name

Stassie: omg i hate you

Harry: stop you love me

Stassie: gtfo no I don't

Harry: the lies you're telling

Stassie: I'm going to sleep now

Harry: 🙄 you said you'd stay

Stassie: i guess I lied

Predictable; Harry Styles #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now