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Harry: Stassie

Stassie: ...yes

Harry: are you mad at me ?

Stassie: I don't even know you

Harry: ok that hurts

Stassie: don't you have a girlfriend now or something

Harry: wtf no

Stassie: yeah right what happened to home wrecker Hailey

Harry: she smokes cancer sticks me no like

Stassie: get you a me a nice girl from the island

Harry: foreign ?

Stassie: if it ain't foreign it's boring

Harry: yup HAAAAN

Stassie: don't ever say that ever again

Harry: i missed us

Stassie: um lol what

Harry: i like you a lot

Stassie: harry we've known each other for like two days

Harry: actually a week I've kept count

Stassie: exactly you can't fall in love in a week

Harry: i didn't say i was in love

Stassie: then what are you saying

Harry: im saying that I like talking to you and just knowing about you

Stassie: i don't know what to say ...

Harry: just let it sink in babygirl

Predictable; Harry Styles #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now