
690 16 3

Full name-Caroline Elizabeth swan


Dad-Charlie swan

Mom-Rene Dwyer

Sister-Bella swan


Lives-forks Washington

Nicknames-care and care bear

Hair color-blonde

Skin color-a healthy pale

Eye color-dark blue

Shopping,family,friends,Jasper hale (secret info),planning events,being happy,making people happy,helping people,cooking,swimming,volleyball,being with family and cuddling

Dislikes-gossip,liars,cheaters,being sad,that she is insecure,Edward Cullen,people who hurt family and friends,Jessica stanly,bullies,death,when her family or friends are hurt and math

Fears-her family will leave her,death,snakes and that chharlie will get hurt on the job

Flaw-she is insecure sometimes

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