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A/N: Contains slight language.

Her booted feet slapped against the ground as she ran across roads and slipped through alleyways.

The occasional puddle splashed her ankles but she was too concerned about those chasing her to care.

Turning a corner onto a deserted street, (Y/N) cursed under her breath at the lack of cover, but she didn't stop running.

Gunshots fired from behind her and, panicking, she swerved to the left, the bullet shattering the glass of a bus stop.

The sounds were followed by a harsh shout of "Get her, you twats!"

Her (Y/H/C) hair blew in her face as she looked over her shoulder at the thugs. There were about seven of them, all muscular with oily hair, the biggest of them carried a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. His face was familiar.

Facing forward again, her head darted from side-to-side, looking for a side alley that could be her escape and remembering where she'd seen the man before.

Of course. She thought. The complication he told me about.

Her eyes locked onto the entrance of a side street.

Skidding on the wet ground, she ducked into it and hid herself behind a pile of crates, holding her breath and becoming very still.

The heavy footfalls of the gang passed right by her and into the darkness of the night, one by one.

The last to turn the corner was the big man, the one she was warned about.

Her latest victim's brother.

✯✯✯ Bart's Hospital ✯✯✯

"Found last night by brother; stab wound to nape of neck; just like the others." Molly said whilst unzipping the bodybag.

"No." He said simply.

"No?" Lestrade questioned, running a hand over the grey stubble on his chin. "Care to elaborate?"

"This one's not at all like the others." He smirked. His moment was short-lived as his sharp turquoise eyes took in their baffled expressions.

Sighing, he turned around.

"Where's his wedding ring?" Sherlock called as he exited the room, as if that answered everything.


A/N: Sorry it's short!
351 words.

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