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★★★ Y/N's P.O.V ★★★

I crept through the silent halls, my eyes fixed straight ahead, my hands clutching the report of my most recent crime.

It was one of his hidey-holes. An underground base at the heart of London.

I always reported back here, though I had only seen him once.

I saw him when he broke me out of Bronzefield.

I shivered involuntarily as I remembered being wrongfully sentenced to life there after being accused of murdering my sister and her husband.

He offered me a deal.

He'd break me out if I could do a few jobs for him; score people off of a list. I took him up on it, everyone already thought I was a murderer anyway, it's not like it could harm my reputation.

I had always had a skill for fighting, it came naturally to me, but still, he insisted I was trained.

Since he broke me out a month ago, I've become an expert in almost every type of combat. I could kill a man with a bobby pin.

I approached a steel door and it opened with the sounds of clunking metal and heavy cogs.

Walking in, I was greeted by an unusual sight.

Normally, I would place the homocide file on his desk and leave without a second thought.

But there was no need to do so when I could hand to the man himself.

"Ah, Y/N! I see you have the report." He greeted me with a slight Irish accent.

"I do indeed, Mr. Moriarty."

✯✯✯ Jubilee Terrace ✯✯✯
★★ 3rd Person P.O.V ★★

He stepped out of the cab, his head of black curls dancing in the wind, his blogger following beside him.

A Police car pulled up beside them and out stepped Greg Lestrade.

"I can give you ten minutes." He said to Sherlock.

"I'll only need five." The man replied before striding off towards the alley.

Lestrade looked at John, who shrugged in response, before following the consulting detective.

They both ducked under the yellow tape and stood before the crime scene.

As Sherlock took out his magnifying glass, John walked over to Lestrade.

"Any leads yet on who could've done it?" He asked the inspector.

"No leads but that's why he's here." He gestured to the youngest Holmes. "Is he alright? He seems... anxious."

"Yeah, well, he's not had a good case in a while. You know how he gets." John chuckled.

"You don't think he could be know... lonely?" He asked, his brows furrowing.

"You've heard him," John smirked "He likes being a-"

He was cut off by a prompt shout of "Ah-Hah!"

"What did you find?" Greg questioned as they followed him under the tape.

"The victim's wedding ring. He was wearing it but it fell off when he was attacked. It was raining that day, the ground was wet. Your team have already found the footprints. Not small enough to be a child, not big enough to be a man's, so they belong to a woman. In one there is a circular indent where she stepped on the wedding ring. Realising this she picked it up but couldn't put it back down; fingerprints. She wouldn't have thrown it away, still the chance someone might find it. She still has it." He rambled off.

"Brilliant, but we still don't know who she is." Lestrade sighed.

"Really? These murders started around a month ago, around the same time a certain someone broke out of prison. A woman no less."

"I believe the murderer is none other than (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

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