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It started with a roller coaster ride,

There was nothing but love without any pride.

I showed you it was all a fairy tale,

But I was the one who always had success behind my tail.

I stood up for every odd reason,

But it when it mattered the most my courage was hid in the prison.

I promised you a dream of being together,

When I was myself in an abyss was it going to last forever.

We both needed each other,

And we still care for one another.

May be it was a permanent decision based on a temporary feeling.

But our love for each other was never a temporary feeling.

Its heart breaking that we ended and luckily without any treason,

But I'm happy about the fact that it ended for a reason.

I always had a wish that you would stand for yourself,

And it's good that you are moving in that direction, thinking about your family and yourself.

I know this roller coaster ride was full of excitement, happiness and love,

But I can't deny the fact that there was pain all the way through.

I am sorry for the fact that I wasn't able to hold your hands forever,

Maybe I should learn to hold myself first moreover.

I know I wasn't good at keeping my promises,

But I hope you already knew that I wasn't the one to be held on promises.

I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart,

Just a few lines that come straight out of my heart.

"Don't be afraid

I've taken my beating

I've shared what I've made.

I'm strong at the surface

Not all the way through,

I've never been perfect but neither have you

So if you're asking me I want you to know,

When my time comes

Forget the wrong that I've done

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed

Don't resent me when you feeling empty

Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest.

Leave out all the rest."

-Linkin Park.

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