Chapter 25

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I was talking to some friends I invited, when i looked over to MB and some girls walking through the back gate. I saw one girl that was with them them that caught my eye. "Hey guys, I'll be back." I said to the people i was talking to.

"Hey little bros, who are these beautiful ladies?" I said when i got to them. The girls looked up at me and started giggling. I do have that effect of the ladies. I started starring at the short mixed one with the killer brown eyes.

I was still staring when Roc pulled the girl into his chest. 'This is my girl Cyra," He said holding on to her. "Rays Maya, Princetons girl Celeste, and Natalie who soon will be with Prodigy." The Natalie girl looked down blushing while Prodigy smiled at her.

I looked back to Cyra and Roc disappointed. I knew a girl that fine couldn't have been single. From the corner of my eye i saw Roc smirking at me. The girls all smiled and waved to me giggling again. When they did that all of MB grabbed the girl Roc said they were with, pulling them closer to them.

I smirked at them then looked at Cyra. 'Bye ladies...Cyra." I said winking at her then walking off. As I was walking back to my friends I heard they girls squealing after me. I smirked at myself feeling accomplished.

I was gotta get Cyra some way before the night is over.


"OK Lets get this party started!!" I heard Diggy say into a mic. I turned to him right in time to see him wink at her. I turned back to Cyra seeing her look down blushing. Roc was sitting by her glaring in the direction of Diggy.

"Shit is gonna get real.." I whispered in Maya's ear. She looked at me then followed my glance to Roc who looked like he was about to hop out his seat and beat the hell out of someone. She nodded to me, then got up. "Come on girls, lets go dance!" She said grabbing Cyra who was staring at Diggy.

Maya and Celeste looked over to where Cyra was looking and pulled Cyra to the dance floor. I looked over to sit with Roc. I snapped my finger infront of his face as he stared at Digyg.

Prince and Prod moved over to us watching Roc like i was. After him staring for what seemed like forever he turned to look at Cyra then to us. I could see from his eyes that he was pissed.

Hell I would be too, if someone we knew keeping looked at Maya like Diggy did to Cyra. "you ok?" Prince asked. "yea.." He said looked over to Cyra then smiling at her. I looked to the girls to see Cyra motioning for Roc to come to her.

"Go on. You know you want to." I said to him pushing him up from his seat. He looked at me and the boys then to Cyra. He clapped his hands together then running over to her. He picked her up and spun her around kissing her.

The girls laughed then came over to us. Maya plopped down in my lap burring her face in my neck. I laughed as she lightly kissed it, then pulled back. I looked into her eyes then gave her a passionate kiss. "i Love you.." She whispered pulling back.

'Love you too!"


Celeste came over to me, and pulled me up from my seat. "What.." I said laughing. "I wanna go swimming." She said grabbing my hand. "Ok?"

"Come on, it'll be fun." She stepping back from me taking off her shirt and shorts(She has a bathing suit under it)

[A/N: what the girls are wearing:

Cyra-white short shorts that are unzipped, blue swim bottoms, a white button up shirt which is unbutton, and a blue top. Her hair is down. with a braid on one side

Maya-black short shorts, red and white stripped bathing suit with a black jacket over it. her hair in a high ponytail

Celly-black short shorts, green bathing suit with white paint splatters, a white off the shoulder shirt her hair was in braid down her back.

Natalie-white short shorts, all black bathing suit, and her hair is down.]

she turned to me, so i took of my shirt then picked her up by her waist then ran to the pool jumping in the deep end. we both came up at the same time, smiling. I pushed my hair out of my face, then did it for her. she swam to me pushing my back into the wall. I pulled her legs around my waist, holding her there.

We were looking into each others eyes, when i noticed us lowering in the water. Before i could pull us back up, she stopped, pulling away going under water pulling me with her. I opened my eyes to find hers open to. she smiled at me moving closer.

She wrapped her hands around my neck pulling me closer. I brought my lips to her smiling into the kiss.

I always wanted to kiss underwater, with my number one girl.


After everyone ditched me and Natalie, we just sat there looking around. "This is...nice" I said trying to start a conversation. She turned her head to face me. she laughed then looked away. 'You are so weird you know?" She said.

"Yea i've been told that before." I said pulling her chin so i could look into her eyes. Her eyes were the prettiest brown ones i've seen, well besides Cyra's but she has my eyes....but Natalie's eyes are Amazing.

She looked back into mine. Neither of us said anything, we just let our eyes do the talking (CORNY) Before I realized it, i was leaning in. She just sat there watching me. "Kiss me.." I heard her say in barely a whisper. I smiled then leaned in all the way.

When our lips touched i left something on the inside. Its different then what i feel when i'm with all the other girls i've talked to before. This feeling made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside....

And i liked it.

After a few moments into the kiss i pulled away slowly opening my eyes. Her eyes were just now starting to open. I smiled when i saw them sparkle come from them. "Natalie will you be mine? Be my number one. be my Mrs. Right. Hell be my everything...." I said rubbing my hand over her cheek.

She pulled me into another kiss, the pulled away. "So yes?" I asked opening my eyes. She smiled nodding her head. I gave her another kiss pulling her into my lap hugging her body to me.


Me and Cyra had just finished dancing, and were going back to the others. They all were sitting in our spot cuddling. Celeste and Prince were wrapped in one big towel. Maya was sitting next to Ray, her head on his lap. Natalie and Prod were looking into eachothers eyes, smiling zoning everyone out.

'AWW. Its about time you two got together!" Cyra said sitting down in my lap. I hugged her body close to me, taking in her smell. "Hey I like taking things slow" Proigy said turning to look at Cyra. She rolled her eyes at him, then laughed.

We sat there talking, when Dance(ASS) started playing. The girls hopped up from their seats, and ran to the dance floor. Me and the boys stayed and watched from here. The girls were dancing with each other laughing, acting Crazy.

Us guys started talking about how great the tour was gonna be with the girls now. Anout 10 minutes later, Maya came walking up to us. She sat down in Ray's lap, messing with his braids.

Soon Celeste amd Natalie came over too. I looked around for Cyra, "Where's Cyra?" The girls shrugged. "We thought she came back over her, after she went to the bathroom."

I stood up and looked around. I didn't see her, and I soon realized that Diggy was no where around either.

"Fuck" I said before running into the house.

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