Chapter 33

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It's been two months since Cyra got shot. Nothing has really changed with Cyra. She's still in the coma, motionless. We all come to the hospital everyday still, no one has lost any faith in Cyra yet.

She's strong and is gonna make it through this.

Cyra being in a coma has really changed us though. Not only do we spent most of our time with her, but we also never really hang out together. As in couples. Me and Ray haven't really had many moments lately.

Right now it's all about Cyra.

Sometimes it seems Ray would rather be watching Cyra when hang with me. I mean I'm worried about Cyra, alot but I still want some alone time with Ray away from the hospital.

For Celeste and Prince, well they are alittle worse than me and Ray. Celeste told me she saw text messages between Prince and one of the OMG girlz. When Celeste talked to Prince about it, he said it was about the tour, and all that shit.

But come on Prince is a flirt, which is why Celeste is having a hard time believing him.

For Nat and Prod, well they are over with. They didn't want to, it just was gonna be hard seeing how Nat had to leave and move back home. Turns out her mom was dying of cancer and had no one to help with her medical needs. Natalie volunteered to take care of her and left.

Prod was torn but realized she was doing the right thing going back home. I felt bad for him. Not only did he have his twin sister in a coma but just lost his girlfriend. It's a messed up world.

As for Roc...well he kinda is still in a depression mode. One time, we all had to force him to go home and shower. Boy was ripe. It was nasty, and kinda sad.

He spends more time here then anywhere. He never leaves her side. I think its sweet, because Cyra's never had a boyfriend to take his own time to make sure she was ok.

He cries most of the time when he comes, but he eventually calms down and just watches Cyra lay here.

We all hope she wakes up before its to late. The doctor told us like last month that if she didnt wake up or make any movement hen they would cut off her life support.

And tomorrow just happens to be that day.


"Guys...what if she doesn't wake up in time?" Celeste said standing by Cyra, holding her hand. I walked to the other side of Cyra and grabbed her arm. She no longer was wearing the arm sling, the cast or the wraps.

She has really healed, it was the waking up part that had me worried. "She will. I can feel it." Prod said sitting down by her feet. "twin connection." He said patting her leg.

I looked over at the door as it pushed open. "Hey Roc." Ray said, giving him a tap. "Hey guys." he said, watching Cyra.

He took off his snap back and laid it on the foot of the bed.

He came over to Cyra and gave her a kiss on the lips. I smiled as he looked down at her smiling. it wasn't till I saw tears running down his cheeks that my smile disappears. I rubbed his back as he rested his head on her chest, laying down beside her.

"It's ok, Roc." I whispered rubbing his back. He shook his head and looked up at her. "She only has today, then if nothing she's done." He whispered rubbing her cheek.

"She will, I promise." I said, watching him. He turned his head to look at me and gave me a slight smile.

I let go of Cyra's hand and walked back to a chair by the window. Prince watched as I looked out the window letting the tears fall.

"Shh, its ok." prince said pulling me into his chest. I buried my face in his chest, grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulled him closer. I took in his scent, the one I missed since our big fight last night. He rubbed my back as I soaked his shirt.

"i'm sorry. I said, pulling away looking at his shirt. "Its fine." He said. "i should be the one apologizing." He said pulling my face up to look into his eyes.

they were full of guilt and sadness. "I should have never keep talking to Beauty. It's just she keep coming at me and i didn't know what to do." He said, looking into my teary eyes.

I nodded and gave him a passionate kiss. "I forgive you, just don't do it again." I said, giving him a smile.

he smiled back at me, then wiped my tears. "Dont cry. your to beautiful for that." He said pulled me closer. I blushed and buried my face into his shirt. "Love you." He said, kissing my hair. "Love you too Afro charming."



"Hey...Hey...HEY WAKE UP!!!" My eyes shot open to see two little kids standing over me. I looked at each of them, slowly sitting up. I looked around and saw I was in a hospital. the gang was here, but they didn't seem to notice I was up.

I looked around until I found Roc, he was laying down in the bed by some girl. i looked at the girl and saw it was me. But i'm awake right now.

I turned to the little kids and saw them watching me. "What's going on? Who are you?" I asked, walking up to them. "Well you are in the in between (LIKE IN THE LOVELY BONES) You had gotten shot two months again, and slipped into a coma. We need you to wake up before tomorrow morning, before the doctor cuts off your life support."

We need you to wake up so we can be born." the little girl said. "What does me waking up have to do with you being born?" I asked confused. The boy walked up the me with the girl and they each grabbed my hand. "Hi, mommy. I'm Montana Craig August, and thats my twin sister Rylee Devon August" He said, smiling up at me.

I looked at the two kids, shocked. Wait how am I pregnat? No way.

I looked at the kids studying their figures. They did kinda look like me. They looked alot like Roc, his hair, and lips. They had my skin color, and eyes.

"Ok so, how do I wake up then?" I asked, looking back down to the gang. They were all surrounding my talking and some crying.

'you have to find the strength and power on the inside. Daddy and the others need you. we need you." Rylee said. I nodded then pulled them into hugs. "I can't believe me and Roc have kids!! Wait how along am I?" I asked, pulling away.

"you remember the day you got shot? when you and daddy took a shower together? two months." I looked away blushing. "Well you need to get going mommy." Rylee said hugging me again. "ok bye, guys, love you!" I said hugging Montana.

"See you in 7 Months!" They yelled after me. I smiled and walked back to the bed, i woke up in. I shut my eyes, and thought about the gang and my life on Earth.

I felt my self drift away, and relaxed when I felt my back touch a sheet. I thought about what my twins told me and found my self fighting my eyes open. I looked around taking in my surrounding.

"GUYS! She's awake!" Someone yelled running over to me. I looked up to see Roc's face infront of mine. He was smiled down at me, with tears running down his face. "Hey baby." I whispered smiling back. He pulled me into a hug, giving me a kiss I would never forget.

I sat up holding my belly, looking at the others. The girls were sitting by my feet smiling at me, and the boys standing behind them. They all looked down to my hands and saw them on my belly.

"They're ok, Cyra" Roc said kissing my cheek. I turned and smiled up at him. "I missed you." i said rubbing his cheek. He smiled at my touch and placed his hands over him. "i missed you so much. you don't even know." He said kissing me again.

"GROUP HUG!!" prince yelled out moving over to me with the others. Prod got my other side and pulled me into a hug. I smiled at the others, with my hands still around my belly. "Ok let go." I called out.

"Mommy bear mode." Maya said grinning at me. i smiled back at me, "You know it"

"Well, miss Cyra. I see you finally decided it was time to wake up." The doctor said walking in. I smiled over to him laughing. "Two little angels helped me." i said smiling down at my belly.

I can not believe I'm pregnant..

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