Guiotto x Reader

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*IT HAS GRAMMAR ERRORS*  Might be a slight AU fanfic.(by a few elements in the story)Might be OOC.


     (Y/n) was right behind him, he was fast but she was faster. All littel delinquents think that a small shop own by an old lady and young woman was an easy target, oh but he was wrong, as soon as he ran she went after him. It was clear that the kid lived in the streets so he was just stealing for money but there was a better way to get honest money. Up ahead the road some familiar faces were standing and talking to shop owners ,the Vongola, a vigilent familia that protect the streets of Italy and resolve all crime everyone knew them but it was not common to see them all together it was rather a unique sight. The kid noticed them ahead, they were only 2 shops of distance the comotion draw the Vongola familia's attention the kid quicky made a sharp turn throught an alley that conected to other streets. (Y/n) was not tricked and also made the sharp turn but from the corner of her eye she saw a pair of brown/hazel/orenge eyes. She kept running but the sharp turn did make distance between her and the kid but she kept running. After all this was her game.

~With the Vongola (before and after)~

     The entire familia walked through the streets on a patrol since there has been a few complains about a rober. Some shop owners stop them to talk, offer a service or even try to arrenged a marrige between them and their daughters. Guiotto and his guardians were starting to get irritated. Guiotto was just finishing a conversation with one of the shopkeepers when gasps and yelps were heard, his intuation didn't react so he was calm. G and Deamon looked disinterested, Knuckle just looked trying to figure out whats going on, Lampo...he had gone back to the Vongola mansion, Asari looked like his usual smiling self and Alaude just directed his eyes towards the direction of the upcoming trouble while leaning on the wall. Everyone looked at the two running people a kid and a young lady. The kid made a sharp turn and so did the following one. "Thats the rober...but his being followed by (Y/n)...he must have think that the shop was an easy target" he said as he chuckled other shopkeepers that heard, laughed at the comment.

     Guiotto confused asked "Who is she?" his guardians now listening to the conversation. "That's (Y/n) she works at the the store at the end of the street...back in her day she was just like the kid she was following" he smiled and continue "the kid doesn't know his going against a 'pro' " the old man laughed, another shopkeeper joined and said "I remmember how Miss Voldart (i really need better names =_=') took (Y/n) out the streets and later made her come to every shop and apologize to everyone for robbing" he said followed by a chuckled. The fisrt shopkeeper stopped laughing "yes but that was a littel harsh don't you think?" he said looking at the other one. The second one nodded "and knowing that (y/n) was practically raised by Miss Voldart she would do the same thing to the kid" at this all the shopkeepers around laughted the first one looked at Guiotto and his guardians, who were all listening, "don't worry if (y/n) gets him that kid will be fine."

     Every shopkeeper had gone back to work while Guiotto and his guardians kept walking.

~Time Skip~
     (Y/n) stretched her arms as she entered the abandoned building the kid ,that looked like a 12 year old, had run to she found the kid standing infront of two younger kids one girl, that looked like she was 8 years old, who had her arms wrapped around what seem to be a 4 year old boy.

     (Y/n) walked closer to them they where scared but she wouldn't do anything to them. When she got close enough she hit the littel thief in the head with a well marked vain of anger. "You know if you tell someone you need help to feed or take care of you or your companions you could have just said so and not make me run all around town" she said calming down, by now the 2 younger children got closer no longer scared of the person before them, the littel thief groaned but still apologizing for his actions. (Y/n) turned around walking towards the exit. She suddenly stopped and turned around "aren't you three coming?" turning not before giving them a smile. The kids looked at eachother nodding the girl along with the 4 year old walked first the older walked behind them asking who was this crazy woman.

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