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Connor turned his head, facing Troye and staring into his blue eyes.

"Yeah T?"

"What's gonna happen when I get back?"

Connor frowned, pulling the pale boy closer to him as he possibly can on the small bed without falling over.

"Let's not worry about that, yeah?"

At that, Troye instantly shot up.

"We? We?" Troye repeated, sounding astonished. Forcing out a cold-hearted chuckle.

"YOU don't have to be abused every god damn day! You don't have to worry about not bleeding out, nor have to worry about not dying. And you damn sure don't have to be worried about being sexually abused by your dad's friends that come over. So don't say 'we' like you actually give a shit." Troye shouted in one breath. His cheeks painted and dusted red, and his hands clenched at his sides, knuckles turning white as he panted.

Connor felt offended, but mostly hurt. He cared for Troye so much, and didn't want anything happening to him. Sure, he hasn't experienced any of that, but that doesn't mean he doesn't worry for him. 

Connor furrowed his brows, on the verge of tears. 

"Fuck Troye!"

"I care for you so much, do you actually think I want to wake up the next morning, to find you on the news? To find a news reporter saying; "17 year old Troye Sivan was brutally murdered by his father," and a picture of your fucking dead body?"

Troye scoffed. "Please, like anybody'll care about me to even take time to worry about my death. I'm not important." 

"If you're not important to anyone else, then just know you're important to me. You're so special, and it sucks you can't see it. I worry, day and night every time I hear screams coming from your house next door. I worry everytime I see a newly fresh bruise, cut or scratch on your frail body. I fucking cry everytime you cry, everytime you scream, and everytime you leave. Even if you're hurt physically- you being hurt period hurts me mentally. You're so sweet, gentle, charismatic, funny, an amazing singer, smart, talented, fucking good at reenacting movie lines, highly talented in the department of cuddling, highly, highly talented at baking cookies, and highly amazingly, wonderfully talented at being my bestfriend. I- I'd lick you."

As hard as Troye tried to keep a straight face, he broke out into a goofy smile, his eyes crinkling at the corner, causing Connor to sigh out of relief.

Troye engulfed Connor into a hug, the both of them resting their heads on eachother's shoulders.

Troye engulfed Connor into a hug, the both of them resting their heads on eachother's shoulders

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"I'd lick you too." Troye whispered in Connor's ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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