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He raised an eyebrow at the same time as  a warm smile made itself known on his face. "You do know you are under no obligation to stay here Sakura-chan?" This was a daily occurrence, him asking her this question five minutes after school would end. This was also around the first time Iruka began to take an interest in the behaviour of this one particular student.

The eight year old in question shrugged her shoulders and continued helping him out. She held six hefty text books in her arms while Iruka held double that. They crossed the classroom before dumping the books into the press at the back. Sakura then proceeded to push in all the chairs into their desk while her sensei made his way to his desk to continue with his corrections.

Iruka often wondered as to why she did this. She had started this since last year. Staying back after school that is. Sometimes for fifteen other times for twenty minutes. He wasn't complaining though. She helped organise shelves and books without being asked, brought some order to the class and chatted idly with him from time to time. Her behaviour did baffle him though since kids her age celebrated every time the bell signalled the ending of a school day and would run outside.

"Um, sensei?"

He looked up to see Sakura standing in front of his desk, eyebrows scrutinizing the paper in front of her. It was one of the tests he had just corrected.

"Shinobi can't see chakra because of the, um, restrictions of the main eight tenketsu, right?" Her words were hesitant as she looked up.

Iruka contemplated her words before nodding his head. "Yes, you're right."

"I... I think you corrected this wrong then sensei."

Tilting his head to the side, Iruka took the paper his student was offering and looked at where she was pointing. He grinned sheepishly. "Ah, looks like I did." He took up his pen and immediately began correcting his mistake. He chuckled in a bashful manner as he noticed that he'd made a little mess on his student's work. "How were you able to read my handwriting though Sakura?" It was chicken scratch in the eyes of everyone including himself. He often had students and colleagues alike complained to him when they couldn't read what he wrote.

"My sister's a doctor sensei. You both have the same handwriting," she admitted while looking down.

He chuckled before looking up at the clock. "Looks like it's time Sakura-chan." She looked up at the time as well and then went to collect her school bag. He waved back at her as she left his class.


Rin tried to glare her hardest at her teammate as he lounged on her sofa as though he owned the place. The keyword being tried. A glaring Rin was the equivalent to a rabbit trying to intimidate a lion. The success rate of this was zero and Kakashi rubbed that in her face with a smug grin under his mask he knew she couldn't perceive.

In a way, him acting so carefree—lounging in her furniture, shoes and Jonin vest disregarded
carelessly in a corner, hair mused with one arm draped across his face and his whole posture screaming peaceful—not like the usual rigid and cold ANBU he had to act as was cute. And rare. This moment should be etched in time... If Obito were here, she would have forced him to record this moment on his Sharingan. Moments like these were so scarce that her glare quickly melted off as she scurried to a corner to pick up his disregarded
clothes and continued silently by folding them away neatly.

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