Chapter 4

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Hilla angrily slammed her folder down onto the bed in frustration. It has been two days since she saved the teens from a group of thugs and there hasn't been any progress in finding out where this operation could be running. "I just need to walk away from this," she thought to herself while rubbing her forehead to relax the ongoing headache.

Agreeing with her thought, she hid away her folder, in a secret compartment in her suitcase, and locked her apartment door behind her before heading out for some tea from the coffee shop nearby. Little did she know that she was being followed by a person a few feet away. Walking out into the fresh air, Hilla happily breathed it in and kept on walking towards the coffee shop when she felt like someone was following her. Discreetly looking behind herself, she saw a young man hidden within the shadows. "If he wants to hide that well, he's gotta do a better job than that," Hilla thought to herself as she entered the shop.

She came forward to the counter and ordered a sweet tea with not so much sugar and a glazed donut. Paying for her order, she sat down with her drink and snack and began to act casual by drinking and eating her meal. The shadow began looking at her through the window out of the corner of her eye that made her stop drinking her tea and look at the window to see what she's looking at. It didn't duck fast enough to not be seen by Hilla making her look out the window with suspicion. Getting up, she threw her napkin, and donut, away and left the shop to see the shadow was really a man, that she had never seen before, in front of her next to an alleyway.

"Who are you?" Hilla asked with suspicion.

"That matters not young child. Question is, who are you and what are you doing here?" the man asks with a slight humor to his tone as if his ego was bigger than his head.

"Helen Roland and I'm here on vacation away from my job. Orders from my boss," Hilla lied easily with no flinch to her body language to say that she was lying.

"Huh, where you from Helen?" the man asks again.

"Denver, Colorado and why you asking these many questions?" Hilla asked the suspicious man herself.

"Just police business with working on uncovering this smuggling business," the shadow man replied.

"I didn't say or know anything about a smuggling business in Berk," Hilla said to the man with a smirk knowing she caught him.

The shadow man froze before trying to throw a punch to Hilla to knock her out but she caught it with her right hand while holding onto her drink with her left. Smirking evilly, Hilla set her drink down on the floor before throwing a punch to the guys stomach with her left hand making him gasp in pain. She then kneed him in the groin before punching him in the forehead, knocking him out. He fell into her arms unconscious and she quickly dragged him into the alley, while grabbing her drink, before handcuffing him to the pole and waited for him to wake up and talk.

Soon he woke up and began to struggle against the cuffs to no avail. "Not gonna work. That pole is made of strong steel from the 1980s when it was cool back then before making it interfered with out environment and was shut down because of regulation issues. So if you want to get out of those cuffs and be given a lighter sentence in Berk's jail, you are gonna tell me everything you know about this operation," Hilla said to the man making herself known a few feet away from the man on the back wall of the coffee shop with her drink in her hand.

"I will never talk. Do your worst to me. I've stared down a roar of a lion and came out of it unharmed," the man sneered to Hilla.

Snorting, Hilla said, "Yah, thats gonna make me believe you."

"What do you-?" the man was about to ask before Hilla said, "Everyone I've captured in your operation has often said those catch phrases before they meet my pet and immediately talk after a few minutes of amazing playtime with him. So if you want to play with my pet for a few minutes, I suggest you talk unless you want three pints of your blood to be spilled."

"Okay, I'll talk. Look I don't know who my leader is, all I know is the smuggling is happening tonight at the convoy docks on the other side of Berk's forest to smuggle out a rare bird species that I don't know about and sell it to the highest bidder at our leaders auction. Can I please be let go now?" the man begged Hilla.

The sounds of a police siren answered his question making the man become pale white with fright and Hilla smirk evilly at him. While the man was out cold, Hilla called the police for extraction of this man and recorded the man's confession of the next smuggling operation. Two police people unlocked the handcuffs Hilla placed on the man before putting his arms behind his back and handcuffing him again and leading him to the police car. Hilla took out her phone and stopped the voice recording before saving it to her hard drive file on her phone of the smuggling confession. "Well done Detective Haddock. Thanks for apprehending this guy and giving us the call," the police cheif said as he came close to her to reveal her father.

"No problem, by the way, the guy confessed and an operation is happening tonight at the convoy docks with a rare bird species unknown to science and him. Get a few police people undercover at that place and look out for anything suspicious," Hilla reported.

"Okay, thanks Detective Haddock," her father said before reporting her words to an officer to report to the board at the building.

Knowing her job was temporarily done, Hilla took her leave and started heading back to her apartment hiding her badge underneath her shirt once again. "Hilla, I'm sorry for everything back then," her father said making her stop and freeze.

She took a deep breath in and let it out for a few seconds before saying, "It doesn't matter what you say because I worry for your safety on this since you've been threatened but once this case is done, I'm heading out. So save your apologies for when you really show me that you and the rest of Berk has changed," Hilla said with no emotion is her voice before she left.

What she didn't realize was that someone familiar to her past overheard everything and ran to tell the teens what he'd discovered.

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