Chapter 5

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Hilla sat on her bed lost in thoughts on her stupid television showing nothing, when she heard a knock on her door. Turning off the news, she got up, headed towards the door, and opened it to find the gang outside her door. Angrily, she slammed the door shut in their faces before they could say anything. "Hilla, we know it's you in there, please let us in," Arden's voice said through the door.

"Not gonna happen player," she snarled locking her door loudly to prove her point.

"Come on cuz, please open the door," Snotlout's voice said in a pleading tone.

"Shut up Jorgenson, you lost that right to call me your cousin the moment your tormenting began!" she yelled out at him angrily through the door.

"Not technically since he is blood related to you," Fishlegs voice sounded through the door.

"Fishlegs! Shut up!" Hilla yelled through the door frustrated with Fishlegs facts of history and everything else in Berk.

"Burn," she heard Tuffnut whisper before she angrily unlocked the door and threw it open to only punch Arden hard in the face and slamming the door close in his face again.

She then locked it tight and stormed to her bed before flinging herself onto the bed and letting out a frustrated scream. The gang heard Hilla's frustrated scream and resolved to leave her alone while Arden recovered from her punch to his nose. Gustav stayed behind and knocked quietly on the door, after the gang left, with a combination that was used back before Hilla left. The door softly opened to let Gustav in and he quickly came in. They had done this routine since Gustav was Snotlout's younger brother and if he found out about Hilla and Gustav hanging out as friends and studying for Gustav's grades, then it would be harder on them both because then Snotlout would say something inappropriate about the two of them and cause the bullying to become worse.

When Gustav closed the door softly behind him, he came over to Hilla, back on her bed, and helped his fifteen year old self onto the bed next to Hilla laying down face first on the bed. "Hey, great to have you back Hilla," Gustav said softly to Hilla.

Hilla put her head up, looked at Gustav with red eyes, and said hoarsely, "How's school going Gustav?"

"Great, studying hard and keeping my grades up while my parents don't know that I'm receiving emails from you on helping tips in school. Plus the teachers are helping me out with tutoring me in private while giving me helpful tips in college. How did your police detective school training go?" Gustav reported and asked.

"Studied hard and graduated early last year while doing cases for New York for two years and solved the most difficult ones that would usually take two weeks," Hilla replied with a smile.

Gustav smiled and high-fived Hilla. Hilla smiled as they grasped onto each other's hands tightly. After Hilla left, Gustav has been struggling with his grades that Hilla called him to let him know how she was doing and have him her email to allow her give him some tips and talked to his teachers on his grades when his parents wouldn't since they cared only about Snotlout's achievement and not his. They had a great foster sibling and relative relationship and still do to this day with always the helping at school and a recommendation letter for a good part time job for Gustav to save up for college.

"Did you get my recommendation letter for the part time job you wanted in my email?" Hilla asked Gustav as she sat up and smiled.

"Yes and I printed it out secretly before I hid it underneath my bed from my parents. I even called for applying for the job and arranged a meeting to get the job professionally," Gustav replied with a smile.

"Great job Gustav, pretty soon you will be able to go to college of your dreams far away from here and do things your way," Hilla said with a smile.

"Thank you Hilla, for everything. I don't know what I would have done without your help," Gustav said before hugging Hilla happily while Hilla returned the hug happily.

"Don't worry, just three more years and you will pass high school and move onto college with a great part time job recommended by me. The chief of police's daughter," Hilla said in a fake bragging tone.

The two of them retracted from the hug and began to chuckle at Hilla's joke. They then stopped and gave a sigh before engaging in another conversation on how things been since Hilla left two years ago. Snotlout was as cocky and arrogant as ever, Tuffnut and Ruffnut dedicated their lives to Loki, otherwise known as the God of Pranks, Arden had a two year old daughter with a classmate that left the child in his care a year ago, Stoick has been hard at work keeping the city safe, Gobber has been working hard at repairing guns, metals, and running a restaurant at the same time, and Fishlegs has been working on his job as a historian and a history class teacher in, *gasp*, high school.

This was a big shock to Hilla since high school was full of fifteen year olds to eighteen year olds who want to get out of high school and do nothing the entire school year. Fishlegs does not have a strong bone in his body to stand up to bullying kids in high school himself. Hilla just smiled and shook her head. "Yah, that was a shock to me as well," Gustav said in agreement.

"Totally is a shock because Fishlegs never stood up to bullies when I was in high school with him. He even refused to hang out with me just because I was being picked on by my tormentors. I can't imagine geeky Fishlegs being a high school teacher in a place where the kids are the roughest, meanest, and most dramatic, while being hormonal, people ever in all of Berk. Why do you think I left?" Hilla asked sarcastically nor knowing that the gang had entered while looking for Gustav.

"Really? We're hormonal?" Arden asked sarcastically while being offended at what Hilla was saying.

Hilla and Gustav jumped at his voice before they recovered while Hilla said, "Yes, and you still are. You have a child. You, Snotlout, are a stupid arrogant child who ignores his brother for no reason. You, Fishlegs, have no strong bone in your body to stand up to bullies. You two twin freaks are stupid, brainless, muttonheads. And you, Dagur, are a stupid forever freak of nature that is as cocky and arrogant as Snotlout."

The gang reeled back in shock at Hilla's statement. Gustav looked at his cousin scaredly making Hilla sigh, when she looked at him, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Gustav. I let my anger control me again. But you can't blame that this was how I became who I am. A great police detective with non social skills. Another reason I took on a detective was to look for my mother. (Tearfully) And I'm not giving up on her," Hilla said with tears falling down her cheeks.

Gustav scooted over to her and hugged her to comfort his best friend/foster sister/cousin relative. Hilla began crying while she returned the hug as Arden came close and sat on the bed next to Gustav before placing a comforting hand on Hilla's right arm. Drying her tears, Hilla drew her arm away from Arden's hand and said, "Just because I'm crying amd back more beautiful and confident than I was before doesn't mean that I'm going to fall for your playboy ways that gets me with your child."

Arden was a bit shocked but the shock wore away when Gustav retraced partially from the hug to look at Arden and said, "Burn," before he came back into the hug to comfort Hilla more.

The gang could see that it was their fault completely that Hilla has changed to become cold hearted and non sociable to people like them. They all resolved to at least try to show that they have changed while Dagur was making ideas on how to make Hilla his girlfriend. Hilla just wanted to get the job done and get out but knew that this was only just the beginning of her case. And only she can uncover it before it's too late.

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