• chapter 8 •

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I wake up with a slight headache, a very dry throat, and something heavy lying on me.

I open my eyes and see Ryder lying on my body hugging my waist, and snuggling his head on my breasts. My legs were spread and Ryder was in between them. He looked so cute snuggling into me.

All of a sudden my memories rush back to me.

The Party.


My dream.

That was such a weird sexual dream I had last night. All though I wouldn't mind if it actually happened.

Just no Brooke. Not now.

I look back down at Ryder. He has hie eyebrows furrowed together, with a cute face on.


I start to run my hands through his hair. Ryder's facial expression turns into a dreamy face. He no longer has his eyebrows furrowed together.

While I'm doing this I look up at the ceiling and can't help but think about my dream. I mean who dreams about giving someone a... you know.

And he was so big in my dream.

But the weird thing is he said he loved me. Does he really love me?

No he can't.

Can he?


I'm in just one of Ryder's shirts! I mean I do have undies on but that's it, and a shirt.

All well to bad too sad.

I'm glad I took a shower when we got here. I feel like I might have-

"You know I do wonder what goes on in that pretty little head of your sometimes." I was cut from my thoughts by a deep masculine husky morning voice. Ryder.

I snap my eyes down to his face. He stares back at me with a hint of amusement on his face.

"So you gonna tell me?" He asks looking up at me while his chin rests on my chest.

"Uh... Um... I... How long have you been awake for?" I question him.

"Long enough to know you were clearly thinking about me and how good I looked in your dream last night." He says.


What he knows I dreamt about him!?

My face heats up.

"H-how did you kn-know I had a d-dream with y-you in it?" I managed to stutter out.

Ryders grin grows bigger if possible. He leans up towards my face and goes down to my ear.

"Oh you mean when I heard you moaning my name out in pleasure begging for more?" He asks while nibbling on my ear lobe.

He travels down to my neck and starts to kiss and suck on it.

I am currently biting my lip to suppress my moans.

I can't believe I was moaning his name in my dream.

"Wh-what no I w-wasn't." I say trying so hard to keep the moans back.

"Haha don't lie to me cutie." Ryder lets out a deep husky chuckle.

God his morning voice makes my stomach do flips.

"I-I'm not." I say.

"I can tell when you lie cutie." Ryder continues to kiss my neck, but has moved to the other side of my neck.

"F-fine you really want to know what happened." I say to Ryder while pushing him a bit to see his face.

"Wait you actually had a dream with me in it?" Ryder says surprised.


I thought he new I had a dream with him in it.

"D-did I say I-I did? I-I mean I d-didn't." I say to Ryder. You could practically see me lying through the eyes of a blind man.

Ryder smirks at me. Yep he knows I'm lying.

I push past Ryder and sit on the edge of the bed with my feet hanging over. Ryder immediately sits up next to me. He slips a hand under my legs, and one around my waist. He picks me up and pulls me into his lap.

"Hey I'm sorry whats wrong?" Ryder questions me. He place a hand on my cheek and forces me to look at him. He stares seriously into my eyes.

"I just... I don't want to talk about the dream." I say honestly to Ryder.

"Oh come on it can't be that bad. I'm sure you didn't dream about us having sex or something like that." He says to me pretending to laugh.

I didn't say anything, but roll my lips into my mouth and stare at the floor.

Ryder stops fake laughing and stares at me.

"Did we actually..." Ryder starts.

"Yes! Or at least we were about to." I say to Ryder frustrated.

"Hey hey hey. That's not bad. I mean I wouldn't mind actually fucking you." Ryder says with a cheeky grin.

"Ryder!" I scowl at him and try to get out of his hold.

Key word being 'try'.

He just simply pulls me harder against his chest.

"Don't run. Or get embarrassed... Is it really that hard to believe that I might just want to make love with you?" Ryder says.

From the corner of my eyes I can see Ryder staring intently at me.

"You know from the moment I saw you I wanted you to be mine. I want to do all things to you that no other man could do. I want to pleasure you 24/7. I want to love you till I die. I want you to love me till you die. When I saw you I knew you were the one. The one I want to marry, the one I want to start a family with, the one I want to die with. I don't know what I would do without you in my life." Ryder said this while looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"Ryder I-I d-don't know wh-what t-to say." I whisper gently to Ryder.

"Don't say anything."

With that said Ryder smashed his lips into mine.

The bad boy calls me cutieWhere stories live. Discover now