Practice of the Grand Race

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(Authors comment) Sorry to all the people who have read my prologue because of school and thanks to everyone who has left comments so i can improve this story for all of you.


Chapter 1: Practice of the Grand Race 

Tonight was the night, the night in which Quicksand was going to prove to Jewel, Morter, and Azure that he was the fastest of the four. Even if he was as muscular as his father.

" Quicksand where are you, I have something for " called his father from under the trees.

" Up here in the tree's above you, I'll be right down " responded Quicksand.

" Ah, there you are I've brought this for you, your mother wanted you to have it when you had your first big event " Clay said as he stretched out his talons to hand him a necklace man's from wood.

Quicksand remembered the tragedy of his mother when he was only two years of age. His father had told him that she was at peace with his grandmother somewhere in a West World the could not be found in Pyrrhia.

" Thank you father, I'll keep it close to me every day " Quicksand whispered as remembered the memory of his mother.

" Now hurry up, you only have couple of hours until the third moon rises, creating the brightest night in all of Pyrrhia " Clay stated and knowing that he reminded his son of his hatching day.

" Dad, ... uh Happy Hatching day, wow... i'm... i'm sorry i forgot " Quicksand stuttered

Quicksand remembered how his father told him of his hatching and his uncle Starflight and aunt Tsunami, aunt Glory, and aunt Sunny. His father also explained to him and his brother and sisters that his guardians had thrown him into a lake because they thought he would kill his uncle and aunts. But they knew that it was natural in mudwing culture. 

" It's okay Quick, you weren't the first to forget " mentioned his father as he winged away to the bowl which would hold Quicksands event. " Hurry up with your warm up and i'll met you at the bowl " he called getting father away. 

" I will ! " called Quicksand as he tied his gift and started to stretch his wings. As he stretched he remembered a couple movements that he had learned from his " uncle " Jambu in the Rainforest Kingdom that was under the rule of his aunt Glory. He knew that his Rainwing relatives used their tails to glide through the trees but he improvised the movements to help him better than using his tail and to get from the tree's. 

As he was about to start his warm up through the mudwing forest he was startled by the thump of Jewel as she landed in front of him. 

" Really, you think you can win this race with that mudwing body and those skywings " spat his sister glared at him. 

Jewel was Quicksands older sister and she had the true form of a skywing, like all skywings she had massive wings that made the the fastest and swiftest dragons in Pyrrhia. But Quicksand would change everything that all dragons believed about cross-breeds. He almost felt like life was like his uncle Qilbi when he lived with his sister and brother. 

" Shut up Jewel, you know i'm faster than you " growled Quicksand, " You know why dad named gave me this name " 

" Sure I do, they gave you that name because you are a cross-breed and you an outcast in Pyrrhia and you know it " spatted Jewel in his face as she made herself look more menacing and massive. 

Quicksand had always heard this at school and at home from his sisters and brother because he was one of the few that were eligible to a group that Moonwacher and Darkstalker  had made with the help of  his aunt Sunny that was also a cross-breed. 

" Your just jealous because i am better than you and the twins " roared Quicksand with the frustration that he always felt when his sister talked to his as if he were a scavenger. 

" Fine then say what you want but it wont change who you are " said Jewel with the smirk she always had when she got him mad. 

" Get out of here before i scrap that smirk of your face " wishpered Quicksand as his sister flew off. 

" Whatever you say just to make you feel better " called his sister as she continued to fly away     " See you at the starting line"          

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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