I gave him everything!

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Suddenly she had to go to the restroom, but she didn't want to go because she would have to pass Larry. She took a deep breath getting up and making her way to the bathroom. She passed him without making any contact. Larry saw her heading into the bathroom so He looked back at Laurent seeing he was sleep, he jumped up and slid in the bathroom with Chris before She could close it. Her eyes widen in fear at what he just did. "I no want to hurt you." His face saddened, "Please don't be afraid."
*End of Recap

Christina was petrified, she didn't know what to do and she was suprised she wasn't being choked for leaving the house without him knowing and also for Laurent finding out. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She pleaded praying he won't hurt her. "You have non thing to be sorry for. It's me who does." She didn't Believe his sympanthy for one minute, she refused to. "I only want to talk." Right then something triggered in her, she didn't know Why but She just snapped. "Really? You just wanna talk? You sure you don't wanna kick my ass again? I don't wanna talk, I'm tried of talking. I tried talking to you and You know what happened? I got an broken arm and black eye." "I know bu-." "No! If you wanna 'talk' or kick my ass can you do it When we get back to the house I would Like to enjoy a little freedom before I'm locked up again." Larry didn't know How to respond to that, he couldn't. He looked up at her seeing she was crying, she slid past him walking out. Seconds later she came back in "I came in here to pee so get out." He dropped his head slowly walking out. He went back to his Seat looking out the window as he was before only this time he had tears slowly running down his face. After Chris did her business she walked out passing Larry, his head was turned so she didn't see him crying. She went back to her seat next to Laurent. He was still sleep, his head would not stop rolling around for nothing and the site made her smile. They finally landed heading to the hotel. They headed up to their rooms to freshen up, After Larry was done he went to Chris' room putting his hand up to the door ready to knock. But he stopped himself, as much as he wanted to better things with his wife he also needed to do the same with his twin. He sighed hopping this wouldn't turn into an argument making his way down the hall. Once He got there he raised his hand now knocking. He waited 5 minutes until he opened the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. When he saw who It was he rolled his eyes and hardened his face walking away. Larry went inside to see Lau putting his clothes on. He sighed again asking his question "do you hate me?" Lau stopped pondering on what he had just asked. Laurent himself asked this questions but he could never give himself an answer. "To be honest with you I don't know." "Do you have feelings for Chris?" He asked hoping he gets the answer he wanted. "Why are you asking so many questions? How about you ask yourself that being that you beat her." "You know what fuck.......... Look I see the way you looked at her on the plane and I notice you too protective of her so tell me, do you or do you not have feelings for Chris?" "No." Larry was so relived to hear that, just hearing that one response made a smile from on his face. But It was soon gone once Laurent opened his mouth again, turns out Laurent wasn't finished. "I don't just have feelings for her, I Love her." His heart felt like it was crashing, How could he Love his wife? Why did he Love her? He shouldn't be able to, that's code, that's Law right? Larry was now torn, he knew his twin's mission was to steal his wife from him. Part of him hates it, but another part of him Thinks she should. Maybe Laurent can give what he can't. Safty and real Love. He now wanted to change the subject for he couldn't Stay on the heart Breaking topic. "So are we good?" "Laurent laced his shoe up looking up at him with a straight face "Yea, I guess" Larry knew what that really ment. It was his way of saying 'no not really but I'm giving you a chance.' It wasn't really what Larry was looking for but he would take what he could get. He walked out of Laurent room going back into his.

After Chris got out the shower she lotion down putting this on. She sat on the bed wondering what she could do.

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