No reason to live

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*that same day

It was night time and Chris refused to come out of the hotel room. She was to ashamed to face Larry and she had no intentions on facing Laurent because she knew he would convince her what they did was right when she knew it was wrong. She broke her vows, went against God, and committed adultery. She did nothing but sleep and cry over and over again. Night time hit and it was time to go to the club appearance. Even though she didn't want to go she got ready anyway, she didn't want to alarm Larry in any way. She got dressed putting a black dress with her 6inch black heels and black lipstick. She put her curly hair all on one side and put a little eyeliner on making a wing. When she was done she looked in the mirror at herself making sure she looked good. When she was sure she was ready she took a deep breath preparing herself and walking out the room. Fresh air hit her face and she took it in as if she had been stuck in the room for eternity. Just then Larry walked out with a black tank top with a black jacket and some black pants. His head turned her way and Chris felt a immediate pit of fear, stupidity, and sadness wash over her. She felt the tears brimming her eyes but she quickly sucked them back and made her way over to him. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Well looks like we're matching tonight" she said with a giggle. Larry smiled but it rapidly faded. Before they knew it Laurent stepped out as well with a white shirt and his new favorite washed shorts. Chris kept her head down afraid to look his direction. Still staring at the ground she cleared her throat and spoke "we should get going. Don't wanna be late." She walked off heading towards the elevator with the twins following. When they made it to the club the twins went to the stage while Chris went to VIP. She just sat down and order a drink. With everything that is happening, it was very much needed. But one turned into 3 and 3 turned in 8. By the time it was time to go she was very well drunk. So drunk she unable to stand on her own, Larry picked her up carrying her out the club and to the car. When they arrived at the hotel he carried her to her room  putting her in the bed and getting her a glass of water. He set it down on the  night stand  and walked away but Chris tugged at his arm so he walked back. "No! No leave me. I need you here with me." She sat up in bed with her hands roaming around his body. "You need sleep Chris I'm not going to take advantage of you" he said softly. "She stood up with her hands still roaming, she kissed on his neck and whispered in his ear. "I need you inside me." Her breath against his ear alone made lil Larry throb through his pants and her words were like the icing on the cake for him, but he knew it was wrong. She wasn't herself and that thought was tugging at his heart. Chris knew exactly what to do to turn him on and it was definitely working, even though he knew it was wrong it felt so right. His mind was telling him no, but his body was telling him yes (hit u with that R.Kelly😂). Before he noticed she  had already had his shirt off someohow kissing his abs. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He put her up against the wall and turned her around kissing her neck. Her moans were music to his ears firing up even more then she already was. He lifted up her dress and roaming around her ass with his hands. He unbuckled his pants letting them fall to the ground. He aligned himself up with her and slowly pushed in immediately feeling the high of  this all. He sped his pace up making her moans become yelps of pleasure. He pulled out and picked her up heading to the bed. When he did Chris got on top riding him like never before. Larry groaned feeling his member beginning to throb. Chris turned around with her ass facing Larry's face and began bouncing up and down. "Shit!" He groaned out. He could feel his high at his peek as slowed her pace. He turned them over with her on all fours thrusting in and out. Before they knew it both of them came filling the room with moans and groans. Larry pulled out and fell right besides her panting, he looked over at her seeing she was asleep. His began laughing at the fact he knocked her out, but his laughing turned into crying at the decision he chose to make earlier. He got up and put his clothes back on. He walked to the door and looked back at Chris  "I love you. Don't forget." He said, and with that he walked out. He walked to Laurent's room and knocked. Minutes later Laurent opened the door. "Larry it is 4:00am we have to be at the airport at 7. What do you want." "I just wanted to tell you I love you damn! Can I do that?" "You came all the way over here to tell me you love me? Larry what's wrong you been off all night." "Nothing I just wanted to tell you, I'm going to bed now." Laurent confused at to why Larry would do this he slowly closed the door. He stood there for a minute pondering on what was wrong with him, so he put his shoes on and peeked outside seeing Larry walk past his room. He got on the elevator. Laurent took the steps and saw him walking to his car. When he got there he unlocked it and got inside, but he didn't turn the car on. Laurent hid behind a corner still able to see Larry. He saw Larry pull out a handgun from under his seat holding it up to his head. Laurent ran to the car pounding on glass pleading for Larry to stop,but Larry ignored him. Laurent ran to the sidewalk and picked up a rock. He threw it at the window shattering the glass. Larry had already pulled the trigger, but because of the rock he shot his arm instead of his head. Laurent opened the door from the inside and pulled Larry out. He pulled his phone out calling the ambulance. "What the fuck Larry! You do not get to die before me, we Die together remember." Larry didn't say anything, he just looked up, he was bleeding really badly so to prevent him from bleeding out Laurent took his shirt off and tied it around his wound. Soon the ambulance came putting him on the gurney.

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