I just...I don't know

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When the 3 made it home Laurent did his best to get Chris to talk to him but Chris wasn't trying it. What he said to her truly hurt, because it was the truth. That old saying "the truth hurts" was really true in this situation. Chris was leaning towards staying with Laurent, but that was until he said what he had said. But when they landed she went ahead with Larry who was still not talking, when they made it to the house Larry went straight to the kitchen getting 3 bottles of liquor and heading up to the guest room closing the door. Chris was left alone by herself, she didn't know what to do. She went up to the room and unpacked both her's and Larry's things. When she was done she began cleaning the house dusting and mopping making sure everything was spotless, after that she made dinner. She cleaned the dishes and put Larry's plate in the microwave and the rest in containers for leftovers. She had done everything Larry always demanded from her and after she was done she was clueless as to what to do next. Because usually by the time she would be done with all this Larry would be asking her to come up stairs with no clothes on. She decided maybe she would go check on him. She walked up the steps and to the guest room, she put her hand up to the door making soft knocks. After waiting and not hearing anything she pushed the door open slowly to see Larry sitting up with his hands Barried in his face crying harder and harder. She looked around the room seem first holes in the Walls and lampes thrown around along with empty liquor bottles shattered on the floor. She walked over to Larry embracing him in a hug. He didn't hug her back, nor did he respond. He just continued to cry. Suddenly Chris wasn't feeling so hot, she let go of Larry and ran into the bathroom barfing into the toilet gagging. When she was done she flushed the toilet and went to the sink rinsing out her mouth. Her stomach rumbled with Hunger, she didn't even notice she was Hungry. When she turned around Larry stood there with worry in his teary eyes. "I'm fine, I'm just........I don't know." She walked past Him and down to the kitchen fixing her a plate and heating it up. When It was done she took it out and began eating. After that Plate she wanted another, and another. When she was finally full she washed her dishes and went up to take a shower.

Laurent was at his house with the most massive headache he has ever had. He couldn't understand How He could have been so carless and stupid to have said those things to Chris knowing she is broken. He tried to argue with himself It was just his anger but When it came to Chris his feelings didn't Matter to him. It's always How Chris is doing, and his feelings would be put aside. That's How He wanted it, and that' s how its always been. He decided to take a shower to maybe help relieve his headache. But that only made things worse. He visioned Chris in the shower with him again kissing his abs while running her hands over his body.  He groaned at the feeling of her doing this closing his eyes. But When he opened them she was gone, and the amazing feeling he was yearning for was gone as well. He Finished up in the shower and stepped out drying off putting on a pair of orange Nike basketball shorts. He got in bed looking at the ceiling. "Fuck you Laurent!" He cursed himself. He closed his eyes and fell into a dark sleep.

Hi my loves! This chapter was only a filler so sorry If you were excepting something big to happen. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyway! So whats up with Chris I wonder🤔😏. Comment your thoughts! Until next Time my loves😘

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