|Chapter 5| Recovery

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|Reiki's POV|
I didn't beat Eileen, but I held her back. And I didn't end up getting killed in the process. Mira came back, Laxus woke up, and I was saved. We're all under recovery, except for Gale and Nova. The two that they want dead first, ended up not being hurt that bad.

Mom thinks I don't know anything, but we heard more of their conversation than they think. Only some members of the guild know about this. Now Nashi knows too.

Nashi sent Loki to help me, he got injured pretty badly, but he went back when it happened, just like she said. Eileen got really strong. I heard stories that when you get revived like that, you can get pretty powerful. I heard it from Sabertooth, about Minerva and their old master.

I woke up in the hospital for wizards, Nova was there looking out the window. I sat up and awkwardly said, "H-hey..."

Kindly, she asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Well, better than I felt before... did I break anything?"

"Only your left leg, you smashed it up pretty bad."

Oh yeah, I remember. I was changing into another armor, my purgatory I think, and since I'm a millisecond slower than mom, Eileen was able to hit me and made me crash my left side into the wall... that hurt like hell.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"No, except, somehow your tattoo got smeared..."

I freaked out, "W-WAIT? WHAT?!"

"Just kidding!" She says jokingly.

I hate her. But I love her. But I hate her. But I love her. But at this second, I hate her.

"That's rude!" Said 3 year old me.

"Awww.... do you need your teddy bear with that?" She said motherly. Then we started laughing, really, really hard.

I stopped because my stomach was hurting. Not because of injuries though.

"So... how are the others doing?" I finally said.

Nova seemed to be in her own world. "Hm? Oh, you're in the worst shape physically. So the others didn't get hurt too bad... but mentally... Storm is pretty bad."

I know what spell he used. "He used it?" I muttered. Then louder, "How is Nashi doing? Is she going to be ok?"

"Yeah. She's fine. She got hurt physically, but somehow, her mental state is better than it was. She's been smiling a lot in her sleep."

Aah. Crap. He did use it. I fell down on my pillow, "I knew it. He really did it."

"Did what?"

"Used a spell that affects him. At least he can get better with time."

"What's the spell?"

"It's called, 'Memory Make Return' it basically gives you memories that aren't yours. But it worsens your mental state while it gives the person your doing the spell on, better. You can only use it if someone used it on you first." I explained.

She seemed to be confused still, "ok, I think I understand except for two things,
1) I thought he only used Ice Maker magic, not any other kind of make magic
2) Who used the spell on him?"

"Ok, I don't know for sure, but I think he went to Sabertooth and Rufus decided to teach him something, so he had to use that spell for him to be able to teach him it."

"Wait, so Rufus sacrificed his mental state to teach Storm... a spell?" She emphasized 'spell'.

"I already told you, I don't know the full story."

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