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Rachel POV
Rehearsals for grease have already started and I'm still uneasy about what happened a couple days ago. Not only did I find out my sister was dating Artie, but I thought I was pregnant, and it ended up being Quinn.

I feel really bad for Finn because he's been stressed about football, and asking me if I want to talk about it. But really I never want to mention it again. It was a scary experience for me. I never want to relive it again, which is why I haven't really been in 'the mood' with Finn.

"Hi Rachel!" Artie exclaimed happy to me

It's weird seeing him now. Because now I know he's the one rays been sneaking around with. It's cute and all but I don't understand why they have to keep their relationship a secret. I suspect it's Ray, which in my opinion, isn't fair to Artie.

"Hi Artie" I say half heartily

I haven't really been in the mood for anything lately. I'm barely trying in grease. Everything feels so unreal, what if I was like Quinn? What if I really was pregnant in high school? Hell, not Quinn but like mom?

Oh my god, I just realized, Ray doesn't know that Quinn is pregnant, let alone that puck is the father! I know she tries not to act like it, but it still hurts her. I don't think it's my place to tell, but she's my sister, ugh, but what if it was me? Ugh but Ray will know somethings up.

Screw it I'm telling her and swearing her to secrecy. Cause it's my ass on the line too. If people found out about my pregnancy scare, I'd never hear the end of it!

I've noticed my sister has been having a lot of issues with Finn lately. They usually blow up during their grease rehearsal, I know because every time they have to do one of their romantic scenes like when Danny gives sandy his ring, she freaks out.

I also feel like relationship issues have been going around. Artie's mad at me because I don't want to go public with our relationship. He thinks I'm ashamed of him, but that's not true! In fact I think I love him, I'm just ashamed of myself.

Also Santana told Brittany she loved her and Britt didn't say it back because she was confused. Honestly so is Santana, she's out and she proud and all, but I see how hard it is for her to admit her feelings. Just like Kurt, he recently started dating this guy from the warblers and he's transferring and all, but Kurt is freaking out. He doesn't know if it'll work out for them with all the bullying here.

Everything's just so messed up, but today I'm going to fix it with Artie. Starting in glee club.

"Ray, you said you had a song prepared" Mr.Schue questioned

"I do, and it's for someone special and this song may not sound romantic, but it is to that person so, yeah" I finish

I go up to the front of the room and look at everyone whose curious, and all I can think about is that day with Artie at breadsticks

I was sipping my lemonade while trying to hold in my laughter.

"Wait, so you're telling me, you'd want a girl to serenade you with-Kesha?" I laugh

He was laughing too, it was contagious

"Yeah, I mean what's better than a Kesha song? The upbeat jam and her very very unique lyrics" he laughs

"Like the song where she says she threw up in a closet? Yeah soooo romantic" I laugh at him

"I'm serious, I wouldn't want those typical love songs, a party song with meaning to it, like that one song about love and drugs" he points out

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