Funny Girl

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"Ray I'm in desperate need of help, funny girl auditions are this week and you're sister isn't being annoyingly confident about it, instead she just spends it sitting around!"

Santana had been yelling at me for the past hour. Apparently Rachels lost her pazazz and Santana is freaking out. This has been happening for the past year. It's because she doesn't have her Finn anymore. But Finn hasn't been doing so hot either.

"I'm telling you Artie, this time I won't screw up" Finn said on the couch

He had passed by to talk to Artie. Well actually Artie invited him over because he wanted Finn to make him his famous grilled cheese. According to Artie "we can't cook to save our lives" he exaggerates! I only burned down the kitchen once, and that was in our old apartment.

"You're right, Finn, I am strongly confident that this is your year!" Artie encouraged

I'm so proud of him. He's such a good friend, but it's been almost three years since we've been together. I am kind of waiting on a ring now. Wait, a second, that's it!

"Santana, I just might have the solution, I'll text you the details" I hang up

I smile proud at myself and walk over to the boys. Just as I sat down Finns phone started ringing. I was curious a little so I glanced and saw an unknown number.

"Hello, Finn Hudson speaking" he answered

I don't know who was talking to him or what happened, but his face slowly started beaming with joy. I just glanced at Artie who was just as confused as me.

"What happened, who was was that?" I asked when he hung up

He got up and started jumping up and down finally he turned around happy,

"That was my agent telling me the New York Giants want to sign me on!" He screamed excited

"That's amazing!" Artie congratulated

We were all jumping excited and cheering for Finn, but then he stopped jumping. His face slowly stopped smiling.

"What's wrong?" I asked him

But I already knew what was bothering him.

"It doesn't feel right" he explains to us

"What do you mean?" Artie asked

I answered for him

"He means it doesn't feel right without telling Rachel" I say

Finn just looked down. In high school they were always the first to tell each other everything. Hell, I'm Rachel's twin sister and she would still tell him first.

"Yeah, " Finn said low

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you boys about"

They both stare at me confused,

"How do you guys feel about having a road trip?"

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