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"What is up, DramaAlert nation! I'm your host, Killer Keemstar, let's get riiight into the news!" Daniel says with a smirk.

"Now, our first story today is on YouTubers LeafyIsHere and Pyrocynical! Seventeen year old Pyrocynical is dating a fourteen year old girl! I don't want to disclose more information, because Pyro will already track me down and murder me for this statement."

"Now, LeafyIsHere? More like LeafyIsQueer!" Daniel shouts, laughing at his own joke.

"In a massive group chat, Calvin, the eighteen year old boy behind LeafyIsHere may actually be gay?"

"He seems to have a massive crush on the boy Pyrocynical! Shocking, right?" Daniel says with a smirk.

Daniel clears his throat and does his hand motions. "Now, our second story today is on AustinFFA and NFKRZ!"

"AustinFFA had a private conversation with NFKRZ, and soon after, NFKRZ hasn't responded to anyone! Everyone is assuming he went missing!" Daniel exclaims.

"Final notes on this video: uhh, Dolan Dark is a furry, and Roman needs to swing at me. Also, f*ck you Haley, I know you're watching this."

Daniel sighs and smirks yet again. "Now, can we shoot for two likes?"

"DramaAlert nation, over 67 thousand! Subscribers!" Daniel exclaims, and the video cuts black.

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