final notes.

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i unpublished rebooted.

i can't write anything to do with leafy anymore. 

i'm sorry, i really am.

i would like to thank my friends (you know who you are) for giving me the courage to put my happiness over what people wanted.

i'll be writing things that make me happy from now on, and again, i apologise. i know people didn't come to this story for 99.999% niojin and 0.001% leafycynical, just as the story progressed i couldn't stand writing leafycynical. i realised as i was writing that niojin made me happier to write.

originally, this book wasn't even going to be a gay book. it was going to be a made up character, being with pyro. i didn't want leafy to even be in this, but i realised; oh man, that gets a lot of views and that would help my dead account that only has followers because of mianite and team crafted.

if you want to stick around and see what i write, and give me constructive criticism, it's appreciated. if not, i understand. just know i'll laugh as i lose followers because it's just numbers on a website.

i love you guys.

leafycynical was a good run, just not for me. 

xoxo, natalie 

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