Chapter {19}

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Italics don't werk.

Oh yeah I made a slight mistake. It's not a carnival they're going to it's an amusement park. They aren't that different but I called it a carnival a few times and I didn't mean too so yeah. Heeheee

Q - Whats your zodiac?

A - I'm an Aquarius ♒️!

Enjoy the chapter!

Natsu watched the door to the gym like a dog. He was waiting for Lucy to get here. He was standing there looking full of disappointment as more and more people walked into the gym and turned out to be someone other than Lucy.

"Natsu, she'll be here. Stop looking so thirsty."

Natsu turns his head swiftly to see who the owner of the voice was, finding himself face to face with Gajeel.

"I am thirsty, metal face!" Natsu snaps turning back around to watch the door.

"Hey, I didn't call you anything, Fire boy!" Gajeel argues back.

"Stop acting like you aren't wondering what's taking Levy so long." Natsu teases.

"W-What? W-W-Why would I b-be worried about-"

"Seriously, you're a terrible actor." Lisanna says coming up behind Gajeel, who scoffed and tried to think up a comeback. Though he ended up giving up and stomping away.

Lisanna notices Natsu staring at the Gym entrance, watching it like a hawk. She slightly frowned when she realized he was waiting for Lucy. She was happy he found someone he cared for to that extent. Even if it wasn't her. Though it still hurt to watch, yet she couldn't pry her eyes away.

She didn't blame Lucy at all for anything. If she and Natsu weren't meant to be together, whether Lucy interfered or not would not change a thing. Having a lot of time to think to herself, made her realize this.

She smiled as she watched the pinkette suddenly spring up onto the air calling out to Lucy. Then run towards her with a huge smile on his face. She watched as Lucy, who had barely walked in, turn her head to answer his calls and smile brightly once she saw him approaching her.

She watched as they hugged each other thoroughly with huge smiles on their faces, and light blushes on their cheeks.

And she smiled. Because upon seeing this, she knew that her love was happy. She just wasn't included in that happiness. Yet, she learned to be okay with that.

Suddenly she felt a tap on her right shoulder, causing her to spin around quickly to see who had tapped her.

"Hey, um... you're my partner I think. So I just thought we should probably be around each other until it's time to go. Y'know since we have to sit on the bus with our partners." A blonde haired boy whom we all know as Sting says.

"Okay, Sting." Lisanna answers. Then directs her attention back at the two teens who were now walking side by side towards their group of friends.

Sting notices how she seems interested in what shes watching and follows her gaze to land on the pair, strolling side by side.

He sighs sadly, his mouth curving into a frown as he watches them move gracefully across the floor and right by him and Lisanna.

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