Chapter {20}

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The amusement park was exceptionally fun. Every ride was great, even the ones meant for children could be very well enjoyed by an adult.

Lucy and Natsu were lucky to be paired with each other since they both were eager to ride everything. Though Lucy was only happy to ride whatever, because she knew Natsu would be right there with her the whole time.

In reality, she wasn't that fond of roller coasters. But with him she suddenly had no fear.

They got on the biggest of rides and the smallest. They had been having so much fun they had lost track of time. They could only think about each other and how much fun they were having. Natsu was lucky he took his motion sick pills before they got on any rides.

They had just gotten off a ride that dropped straight down from two hundred fifty feet above the ground as they walked through the park.

"That ride was..." It was still clear in Natsu's head.

"Crazy!" Lucy finished his sentence for him.

His head turned in her direction with a huge smile on his face. "Because you were scared the whole time!" He exclaims.

"Was not!"

"Lucy, you were screaming louder than a fire truck before we even started to drop." Natsu says with his eyebrow raised.

"Well, we were really high up!" She argues.

"So you're scared of heights?" He asks, his smile turning into a smirk.

"What? N-No, why would I be scared of heights?" She says.

Natsu cocks his head to the side with an expression that showed he didn't believe her. "Oh really?"

"Yes really!"

He smirks again and takes her hand and starts to go back in the direction of the ride. "Let's ride it again then!" He says gently tugging her in it's direction.

Lucy at first followed a few steps but then squeezed his hand, causing him to turn to look at her.

"Okay, okay! I'm scared of heights.." She admits in defeat.

Natsu smiles and pinches her cheeks (the ones on her face *wink*) as she avoids eye contact with an aggravated expression.

"Aww, little Lucy is afraid of heights!" Natsu teases.

"Says the one afraid of the dark!" Lucy teases back, finally connecting her eyesight with his.

He only shrugs and smiles at her. "Guess we both have some ridiculous little fears, huh?" Natsu says.

She shakes her head smiling. "Aw Shut up pinky." She teases, getting on her tippy-toes to ruffle his hair up a little.

"Anyways, what should we get on next?" Lucy asks after she returns to her original height.

Natsu points to a little boat ride, with the boat shaped like a swan. There were red and pink hearts all over the outside of the ride.

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