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She's been missing for 2 weeks. I'm slowly going insane. What if she killed herself? She left her mom a note.

Dear, mom.

It kills me to have to write this, but I know its best. I'm a fuck up. I mess everything up, and always have. I hate myself and who I've become. So I'm leaving. I don't yet know where I'm going. But one thing I do know is, I'm not coming back.
So don't wait around hoping for me to come back. It's not happening. I'm very sorry to tell you this way. Mom I love you dearly. Don't think I don't.
                           I'm sorry,

Everything is still in her room, other than her backpack and a few clothes.
But god do I miss her. I'm worried.

Fuck, Jack. You dont miss her. You hate her. Go have fun with some girls, get high.
And that's exactly what I did.

I got a call from Johnson.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hey any updates?"

"Nope, nothing. Did she say anything before she left?"

"Yeah, bro. She said not to call, text, or try to see her. She said that she's done with everything, including life. I found her behind the school last Wednesday. She had a bottle of vodka and two joints. But by the time I got there, she'd downed the entire bottle and smoked a joint and a half. She's not in her right mind, jack. She's broken, and she's trying to cope in very bad ways."

"I know, I know." I sighed.

"I'm sorry bro. Maybe try calling her again?"

"Yeah yeah, maybe. I gotta go."

"Alright, see ya man."

I dialed kaysynns number and tried her.

No answer. 

I tried again.

No answer.

I went on with my life. Back to the old Gilinsky. Getting high, drunk, and fucked. Its the only way I could forget about her, and right now that's all I wanted to do.

Broken 《J.G》Where stories live. Discover now