the truth

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I decided to write my own article in response to hers.

I still miss her at times but its time to let her go. Obviously, she didn't love me very much. If she had, she wouldn't have cheated countless times, and left me. Its sad to think that I gave my entire heart to one girl and she fucked it up. I honestly hate her so much for it, but I guess I did the same to her. I cheated as well, only I did it with her sister not her best friend.. I'm a horrible person. I cheated on the love of my life with the girl who ruined her life. My girlfriend went through weeks of torture from her. She made her life a living hell. This girl would call her a slut, and tormented her by sleeping with her boyfriend. So maybe Tiffany is to blame for her leaving? Who am I kidding? The love of my life  left because her life was shit. She lost the love of her life because she cheated twice. Her dad was dead. She had a bad reputation as it was. And it didn't help that she was broken on the inside. It pushed her over the edge. She just couldn't take it. And I guess I understand that. I wouldn't have just up and left though. I don't have that kind of strength and maybe that why I admire her so much. Because though she had all of this horrible shit going on she remained calm. She was strong, and unless you were as close to her as I was, then you didn't know how broken she truly was. She was so broken. Nobody should have to deal with the pain she dealt with. But she was brave. And maybe, just maybe, she only truly left so that she could start over. A new life, a new her. At least thats what I dream for, I pray that she left so that she could start over. That's what she needed. And I think that I'm okay with that, because if she's happy then I'm happy. That's what love is. So starting today, I'm gonna let her go. So that she can live freely and so that I can live freely. No barriers. No regrets. No guilt. I'm moving on.
                     You know who I am.
                             J. F. Gilinsky.

After 2 days, it was published for the world to see.

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